Silent Weight.

Friday, July 09, 2010

It's 8:17 p.m. and there's less than 10 people out of the 100 or so people on my floor left. Level 10 usually hustles and bustles with the two workplace printers churning output non-stop, the constant smatterings of English, Mandarin, Cantonese, Malay and Tamil from one cubicle to another, loud shrill desk phone rings or Top 40 and perhaps Hindustan music blaring as ringtones out of the other phone we all carry, and the continuous clacking of keystrokes or mouse clicks. From 9, all the way to 6, and usually 7, there's never a silent moment save for lunch hour.

I didn't notice that the noise had somewhat diminished, disappeared. But this silence comes as food for the soul this evening.

Sometimes I get frustrated. I find myself become less articulate, less able to pour my feelings into words, be it through speech or in writing. It's hard, and maybe I give up too easily, but still... it really shouldn't be so difficult.

And just like a jinx, I've hit a mental block the moment I wrote the above paragraph. Guess that's life's peculiarities for you. Bites. Every. Single. Time.

Beautiful. Maybe I should take up photography since I don't quite know how to express myself anymore.

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2 spoke

  1. Hey :) Just my 2-cents.. you don't always have to write about interesting things. Blogs are not only a way of expressing yourself... but a way of keeping or 'immortalizing' your memories :p So just write and have fun while doing it :) No need so stess *haha!*

  2. Hi Lydia! :)

    No no, definitely don't want to start stressing out over blogging (Esp not since after SMC where had to stress out over giving birth to three blog posts per week :s)

    Agreed. It's a like a really good yearbook-cum-autobiography. Reading back posts from college make me remember so much.

    But in general, often find myself not being able to get my point across these days. Maybe got SMART training to help me soon? LOL.


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