Everything and Everything In Between.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

After that last week of utter pain, I am proud to say that I went to the dentist this morning to get my stitches removed and feel so much better already. It was a bit scary to feel her snipping away in my mouth and then tugging at the thread (or whatever schmancy term they have for medical thread) but hell, it's over. And I feel like a (poorer) heroine for going through all that. Yay me!

Oh, and then as I left, she casually mentioned, "Eh I just saw your x-ray, not sure if the teeth are out in your mouth yet but I saw all your wisdom teeth in the x-ray. So don't worry, you solved one already."

WTFFFFFF. GREAT. How come I'm not feeling all the extra wisdom I should be getting?

Anyway, have been working for about a month plus and so far it's okay. I really don't see myself being here all that long, but it's a slow and steady learning process. I never really thought myself as the super high-flyer ambitious type but sometimes at work I find myself wondering how some of them can stay so stagnant with their jobs for life. Guess we're just all made from different moulds. I brought pictures to work to place in my cubicle and as I was looking for pictures to bring, I realise all our really nice group pictures are either in clubs and/or have alcohol in them. Shit. Tell me, what does that say about us, my dear friends?

Random pictures from everywhere because I feel like remembering these moments ten years down the road.

Jayden and I at his first ever birthday party, him looking oh-so-metrosexual in his pink and dark blue striped polo and pink pacifier to match. Heh. He got a new blue pacifier today to further enhance his manhood because this pink one was getting too worn out and he HATES it. It's quite funny. He holds it, and tests it for about a second in his mouth and promptly spits it out and does it over and over and over again.

And then tries to stuff the new blue manly pacifier into his Wen Kor's mouth because he's decided he still hates it. -__-

BabyGap for the one year old, yo.

The incomplete group of uni people at Kiara a few months back, I think. After which we left to Elaine's place for Taboo and proceed to thrash the guys asses' at it. Hee.

Curled up and watching tv together. Makes me wish I had that kind of closeness with my cousins too.

I'm training the little one in camwhoring. Amelia goes to this song-and-dance class at Yamaha on Saturdays with Su where they just basically do all sort of fun stuff and help develop the creative side of children. So there was this Saturday where they had to bring pictures of the little one for some game, and when they flashed her picture on the screen, the vain girl shouts out, "AMELIAA PREEEEEETTTTYYYYYY!"

Su must've been mortified :D

Aww, look at the adorable girls. Jayden looks so disinterested in the camera, heh.

There, that's better. :)

Funny sign in a bar which as I was reading, attracted a drunk guy to come up to me to tell me that it was impossible to keep husbands from looking at foreign women. Heh.

Admit, somemore. Tsk.

HAHAHA that face!


and Minnie. <3

Back then I still had time to camwhore at work to MMS the boyfriend for the purposes of illustrating my bad hair day. Work is most definitely not so idle anymore :(

This how we recuperate after a busy week at work/class. BarClub two Saturdays ago because the Uniten boyband was off from exams.

Antaru pimpin' in his fedora and the...chair-who's-name-suddenly-eludes me.

Su Yi, Rogerlalalalala & NickBotak.

And rounding off the boyband, Joshy!

Meet the Tan family's shoe room. (I swear only a few are mine. Really.)

And look closely and you'll see that Jayden has his first pair in the room! Hee, the kid can wobble around so quickly in his shoes these days.

This one's for you, Zhen Han! I'm sure everyone knows why.

Sue Lin's 23rd birthday celebration at Chilis :)

Joshua's super cool 8th birthday cake. Ben10 AND PSP. Possibly his two favourite things in the world.


"GASP! o.O"



HAHAHAHHA so adorable. I don't even remember why he was doing it.

There, I'm all picture-d out. It's nice to just take some time off and walk through these pictures again. It hasn't been that long, I think most if not all are from 2009; but still, memories are somehow clearer when they are eternalised in snapshots. It's been a good night. :)

Apparently, I'm to be off to a day-road-trip to Melaka with the uni peeps tomorrow. Satay celup. /drools all over keyboard.


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