A Pit-Stop Update.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

So! Quick update. :)

In the past two months, I went for multiple stages of interviews for two jobs, challenged myself in ways I've never before, thought about questions I've never had to think about in the past few years, put myself in the hot seat while having to come off as intellectual and passionate at the same time, worked up the nerve to tender a resignation letter and started a brand new job. Phew, thinking back makes me quiver a little. Heh.

Anyway, the new job. I'm pleased I got the one I was interested in and attracted to since Day 1 and I'm happy with how things have turned out, job and learning-wise. I still wonder on and off if it was the right thing to do and at least I can say, in the sense of opportunity, growth and a starting block, I can safely say it was a good decision so far. Assignments have been good so far and colleagues and management trainee program peers have been so warm to me. It still may be too early to tell, but at least I can be satisfied with what I'm doing at the moment.

It's gonna be three months with the Group Internal Audit, after which it'll be soft skill training and working on projects for any subsidiary, and then the rest of the two year period with Finance.

Haha! I just realised all the above sound so hush-hush, like I'm a Secret Service Agent or something. :P I'm still rather iffy about divulging details about company for fear of the non-existence privacy on the net, but we'll see how that goes. Makes more sense for you to ask me when you see me personally, right? :)

Sooooo, enough of the boring stuff and let me tell you now that I'm blogging from my hotel room in Penang! Been here for a week working on an internal audit project and will be here for another week. AM. SO. STUFFED. WITH. AWESOME. PENANG. FOOD.

Anyway, gotta run now. Colleague is back and we're off to a mall. Talk soon!

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