So, I'm Holding On.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

"I've been waiting for Henry my entire life."

Is it possible to love someone long enough to want to wait for them your entire life? Is it enough to have brief staccato moments of bliss, hastily shoved in between long periods of bleak waiting? To just take whatever you can get, whenever you can and have that be sufficient. Not to have, but to have had.

"It's you."

Adam and I went to watch The Proposal last night (which was hilarious by the way) and this was one of the trailers playing. I've always heard about the book of the same name by Audrey Niffenegger, but never knew there was a movie out. By the end of the trailer, I was teary.

The Time-Traveler's Wife starring Rachel McAdams & Eric Bana. Heartbreaking but still strangely hopeful. Plus, the lyrics of Lifehouse's Broken fits the trailer perfectly.

"You told me that you go back to the same places a lot."

"Yes, like gravity... big events, pull you in."

"I was a big event."

I've always been a sucker for love stories. Romance novels, grand epic tales of star-crossed lovers with happy endings. It's corny, bordering on the edge of stupid, but I love them all just because they give me hope and believe.

"It's kinda magical."

"I don't feel alone anymore."

So to answer that question, is it possible to love someone long enough to want to wait for them your entire life? Call me a hopeless romantic, or a silly girl, but I do believe it's possible. Not realistic or logical in the very least, but who said life made sense all the time? It will tear your heart out, make you fall apart, eat at you slowly inside and it will hurt like hell, but I think that's the power of love.

"I travel through time, I can't control it. It just happens. I wish it didn't."
"What do you wanna talk about? How bad it feels to sit here and wait for you?

"I don't want you to spend your life waiting."

"I wouldn't change any second of our life together."

"I can't stay."

"I know."

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