
Wednesday, November 30, 2005

It's been raining all morning. Just slight drizzles, then heavier downpours, on and off. You can actually hear the erratic showers of the rain, one minute it's heavy, and then the next you can barely hear anything at all. Just hope it doesn't continue till 4 p.m.; will be having driving lesson then, and for my first time on the road, it wouldn't do too well for it to be in the rain, would it?

Rain makes me sleepy, no matter what time of the day it is. My sleeping pattern's gotten really really WEIRD. I sleep early, but I get up late. I sleep late, but I get up early. Odd.

The rain's stopped again. Mannnnn. The weather's been crazy with a capital C.

Not been doing much at home. Baking once in awhile, blogging less than once in awhile, watching TV definitely more than twice in awhile [LOL], and sleeeeeeeeeping.
Suki came over on Monday, and we watched episode 7 of One Tree Hill's season 3 on my computer. It's so good, really. Not your average teen drama. It's dramatic, granted, but well, we are big suckers for that kind of thing, anyway. It rawks my sawks. Lol, my new favourite phrase. It rocks my socks. Doesn't make sense, yada yada, but it's cute.

Caught up with
Ching and Xue after that, and walked to pasar malam. Ate our way through the stalls - fried chicken, honeydew loh, kuih lobak, chee cheong fun - and heehawed somemore. Ching has this thing with the kuih lobak seller. She loves the kuih lobak, but for some reason, she has this THING with the seller. The first time, he scolded her; the second time, she walked off without paying. Lol.

Oh, found
Angeline's blog after some blog-hopping. Click here to pay her a visit.

Hmmmm, I definitely need to straighten my hair again, and definitely a trim too. Time to make a visit to the hairdresser's. Anyone wanna go with me? Maybe I'll dye or highlight it; I still want some dark purple in my hair. The not-obvious-purple DIY streaks in my hair are starting to turn a little reddish, and it some angles under the sun, it just looks brown. Sigh. But I've got tons of split ends, already. Unhealthy.

Hover your mouse over the pic above. See it? It's like a countdown. Okay, so I shouldn't be worrying just yet. Long way to go, right? Argh. I was born a worrywart; I can't help it! While I was back at college that day, I paid
Ms. Lee a visit, and learnt that the scholarship requirement for a 20% scholarship to Monash Uni's first year is no longer a 360, but a 365!! Horror. So that's 365 out of a 400 + 10% of my fifth subject. I'll keep my fingers crossed, but I don't dare to hope for too much. Miracles happen, as God has proven, but I don't dare to think that I'll get it just yet, because that would mean setting myself up for disappointment if *touch wood* you know, things don't go the way I want them to. Aim high, shoot low. Hope for the best, but expect the worst.

It's marked by our lecturers, after all. In all reality, at the end of the day, they will try to help us. But at the same time, they can't possibly cut us too much slack either, because our answer scripts are sent to Monash International in Australia for checking. And if they find that there has been too much leniency, everybody's marks gets downgraded. One die, all die.

Fingers crossed, those Aussies won't be too hard on us. They should be in a pretty good mood, after all, it's not every year Australia qualifies for the World Cup. =P That in itself, was already pretty much a miracle, so let's hope for more.

Bah, off goes the rain again.

Off for lunch break- daddy bought rojak - and to watch the idiot box. Oh but wait, it's raining. Astro may be down. Noooooooooooooo.

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