Blogging Bum.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Okay, this blogger is back, after what seemed like ages. It's not actually been THAT long, you know, just about 10 days? Have been slowly sinking into the holiday mood, the type where you just want to laze around on the couch and do nothing else. It's either been so hot, or raining cats and dogs these days. The weather just makes me want to sleep. Holidays are seriously unhealthy. Must get up and about soon. Badminton? Cycling? Come on. Let's go!

Nothing, with a capital N, has been happening lately. Had yumchar sessions with the girls (and
Ching treated us to yummy Chef Loong dimsum. Thank you, Ching!), pasar malam with Ching, Ming and Xue, plus One Tree Hill with Mary etc. The usual. Everyone's been, or going to, have their exams soon. Ran into Foon Yee and Diane on Thursday in McDs. They were there to 'study'. *big grin* That didn't really happen, 'cause we got caught up in a gossipin'/bitchin' session as usual. Met up with Karen later that night for another short mamak outing. It's just nice to have the freedom to catch up with these people whom I haven't really seen in so long.

Been eating so much. Tsk tsk tsk.

Anyway, back to business. Must update about the most fun event that has happened since the end of exams. None other than... *drum-rolllllll*


The 18th birthday celebration of
Ms. Ng Siok Kwan! We left at about 8 p.m. to go to Bandar Menjalara, to this superb Western foodhouse called D'Fortune. The food there is really good, plus it's really good value for money. Although, Andrew had some really weird dish which consisted of six sausages of assorted lengths =p Don't know what he ordered, 'Sausage Delight' or something like that. Lol. As usual, made loads of noise, sang 'Happy Birthday' at the top of our lungs to the birthday girl, and laughed our heads off at each other. Oh, and we had fortune cookies, so that was really fun too. Left to Rush after dinner, where this big geeky looking guy in a red shirt was trying to dance with Mary *tee-hee*, and then some of us crashed back at Sioki's place. Slept at 4-something after cooking ourselves a Maggi Mee supper and our girly pillow talk.

Well, being the self-absorbed people that all 10 of us are, we never go anywhere without cameras, so I really want to let the pictures do all the talking for me, but Flickr is being a total arse, and won't let me upload the photos just yet. So, I'll update again soon with the pics, I promise.

Be back soon!

Until then, I'd like to wish a very happy birthday to all the November babies,
Eugene, who turned 18 on the 2nd, Esther and Jamie, both 18 on the 3rd, Jane who turned 18 as well on the 5th, my darling Mummy who turned 60 on the 14th, Siokkwan, who turned 18 on the 18th, and De Shun who also turned 18 on the 22nd ! Happy belated!

Also, all those having exams or are about to have exams,
Siokkwan, Mary, Charmaine, Wenxue, Archana, Manda, Karen, Jo, Pekwah, and anyone else whom I'm not aware of, all the best and good luck!

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