You Tell Me What You Think.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Okay. Today is double-you-tee-eff day.

First of all, you wake up, and the first thing you see in the papers is the incredibly ridiculous headline. Telling women to
cover up or else? Not to wear mini skirts, or tight pants which accentuates the butt, or reveal your midriff? Boy, am I glad I'm staying here, where red lights are not being ran on your choice of clothing (yet) and not there, in the land-of-cover-me-up-in-loose-robes-from-head-to-last-little-toe. Seriously.

I'm glad that a few women's rights groups have already responded to this insane order. Because they're absolutely right. Why the double standards? This so-called order comes because people there have complained about the women in tight, revealing outfits. Yeah, first you
blame women for the reason women get raped. Wow. Such impeccable logic. I'm SO impressed.

Another thing that has irritated me all along about double standards between men and women? Smoking. I do not smoke, nor am I condoning smoking. But I know people who do. And while it is perfectly fine by societal standards for men to smoke, why is it so awful to see women with a cigarette between their fingers? People, females included, still make remarks about how it is 'not nice' to see girls smoke and that, is
creating double standards.

Okay, ridiculous thing number two? The sport that is called
kabaddi. OMG. I do not understand it. It looks like fifteen overgrown men, in tight spandex, playing anak ayam on a court. And this is an Asian Games sport.

Kabaddi, ladies and gentlemen.

Third thing? As you guys probably already know, I'm leaving to Australia next year. Passport expires end of next year, so I went to
renew it today, or I won't be able to come back to Malaysia at the end of next year. Okay, scratch that. I probably wouldn't even get to go to Australia since they probably wouldn't give me a visa and all with an expiring passport.

Anyway, that's not the point. The point is, now, they have this special rate for students, who are going overseas for studies. Half-price, which means you can save a few hundred bucks, maybe? All you have to do, is
bring your offer letter. I thought, fine, great. I have an offer letter.

I bring all my stuff there, and I enquire about this thing. The first counter was really helpful, and told me that no problem, I just needed an offer letter. The next counter, where he had to certify my renewal form, told me that I couldn't get that rate because I'm only eighteen...

...because oh, apparantly, eighteen year olds don't get to study overseas. Eighteen year olds don't go to university. The dude tells me that usually only people from nineteen to twenty-one get this special rate.


Is it
*MY* FAULT that I'm SO-CALLED UNDERAGE? NO. It is *your* fault, your entity who implemented PTS, and now it feels like you're not taking responsibility for it.

I tell the guy at the counter that 'saya pelajar PTS', and he gives me this WTF? look on his face. No, you got it all wrong. With what you just told me, I'm the one that's supposed to have the WTF? look on my face. Grrr.

Inane and ineffective, I tell you.

I'm going again tomorrow morning, because the guy tells me I should speak with his boss. About me being eighteen and in university. Gasp. And, that's going to make me
late for the first day of work. Talk about shiny impressions.


Anyway, enough of reading random rants from me, and take a look at what I received in the mail today.

Teddy bear. Has all the requirements. Is cute, is furry, has little tiny shirt.

Oops, beheaded.

Yup, it is what you think it is. A pen drive.

How sad does that poor bear look? :D

All the best with exams, Jo, Mary, Xue, Charmaine, Sharmin, Manda, Archana, Pekwah, Ben, Marcus and all you others out there.
Kick some exam butt and parties are awaiting! :D

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