It's Her Birthday.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Sooo, I've put this post on hold for a long, long time, but only because I hadn't gotten the pictures from Ching or Siokkwan. Finally got half the pictures from Ching, so here comes the reenactment of Miss Ng Siok Kwan's 19th birthday.

A whole bunch of us went over to surprise her at the stroke of midnight. Conspired with her mom, who was in on the whole plan, and off we went. Now,
Nick, being mean and horrible person that he is, always called Siokkwan char siew pau, I think since the netball competition? Was it, Nick?

Anyways, because of that, Jo got a brilliant idea of
buying char siew paus and sticking candles in them. So the seven of us, Jo, Mary, Nick, Sukkwan, Dong, Ching and me, were huddled around her gate at 11:55 p.m. hurriedly lighting char siew paus and biting our lips to stifle giggles. Her mother came out, lit the last char siew pau and said that Siokkwan was just in the living room.

Off we went with our loud off-key version of Happy Birthday.

Siokkwan was in her pajamas. :P Thank god she was surprised and didn't suspect anything (unlike Jo who *claims* he knew when we tried to surprise him, hee).

Mission accomplished!

The seven of us hung out her house till about 2-plus in the morning, playing silly games and actually
finished all the char siew paus, believe it or not. Played drinking games, only without alco, and believe it or not, we screwed up so badly even while sober. So the losers have to eat about a quarter of a char siew pau.

Someone settles on a category and we have to go round saying things in that category.
If you're stumped, you eat pau.

I think the category at that time was songs by Britney Spears, and Dong, ever the blur entertainer, blurted out
Genie in a Bottle. LOL. And we were naming actors, and he just made up his own actor names, and no one questioned him, until he said Michael Schumacher, and we were all like, 'whaaaa?' -_-" Heh.

Siokkwan had already planned an actual celebration on that Saturday, so we've got pics from the dinner up ahead. =)

Pekwah, Sioki, Nick and Mary
Pekwah, birthday girl, Nick and Mary.

Jo, Alby and Dong
Jo, Alby and Dong.

Ching, Ming and Pekwah
Ching, Ming and pouty Pekwah.

Mary, Jo and Alby
Mary, Jo and Alby.

Suki, Me and Bert 2
Suki, me and Bert. Haiyor, who took this picture? Blur.

The Biggest Poser Around
winner of Malaysia's Mr. Poser competition.

Dong's Spoilt Shot
Dong, #2nd place.

After Dinner
Group pic time, all full and satisfied.

After dinner at Food Foundry; at a pub in Centrepoint:

Small Kids
So this is where you all went lah. Tsk.

Sioki's Classmates
Siokkwan's classmates from KBU. Tsk tsk. She only has guy friends from college.

Siokkwan and Dany
Dany and Siokkwan in a cap advertisement.

Siokkwan and Eddy
Aww, Eddy and Siokkwan. =)

The Birthday Cakes

Pekwah, Knife and the Rest
Pekwah, after ATTACKING the cake. Mary and Nick look so shocked. Something must happened in the Chelsea match at that time, LOL.

Almost all the pictures are here, but I'll probably be uploading the whole folder of pic in their original sizes to my Multiply, so just hang on in there. If I don't do it, bug me until I do!

Hope you had a great birthday, babe. ;)


Michelle celebrated her 22nd birthday in Karma's the weekend after. Karma's is this bar in Hartamas, which by the way, have ladies night on Wednesdays AND Saturdays. :P I miss her so much, and it was nice to see her again to wish her happy birthday even if it was just for a lil while.

Xue, Ching, Ming
Xue, Ching and Ming, hanging around the pool table in Karma's.

Michelle's Bday
Darling Michelle's birthday in Karma's, with Ching, Ming, Xue and I.

Wish more of the council turned up, though, but oh well. Michelle got Wenxue to DANCE. Heh. But it wasn't exactly dancing. She was just grabbing his arms and pushing him along to the music.

Wenxue: i didn't dance!
Wenxue: i was just being LALANG!
Me: lol, yeah, and michelle was the wind.

Xue, oh Xue. When will you learn? Psst: Xue also lost his bar-virginity when he stepped inside Karma that night. I can't believe you, of all people, haven't been in a bar/club at night. (Oh no, in the day does not count, Mr. Tan)


Since the job fell through last week, I've been waiting for my supervisor to call to tell me when I can go in to work. So basically that means I'm
back to becoming a bum again. No job, just hanging around on the couch. Reading, going out, stuff like that. Drove (I'm not going to get sick of saying that word, ever :P) KBU to meet Siokkwan for lunch. There was something off with her line that day, so I wandered around KBU for ages, trying to look for her and look like a KBU student at the same time. I think I kinda failed the second part, though, because everyone kept staring like they knew I wasn't from there. Darn.

Finally found her in the cafeteria after waking past it for the second or third time, and we left for lunch in 1U, and then to Bernard's in Centrepoint for a drink, where Dany and Edison are working. Saw my old supervisor there, although he can't recognise me anymore. So, that's what he does on all those evenings when he's in not in the office. Heh. Not that I'm complaining, we had a lot of leisurely work days without him around.

Watched a bit of the Asian Games so far. The opening ceremony was BORING. I
didn't think it was all that, like the newspapers reported it to be. The highlight? Jacky Cheung coming out and singing an English song, heh. And the Indian singer was pretty good too.

Eh, and
why is Jean Todt being awarded a Dato Seri or whatever title from the Sultan of Terengganu in yesterday's newspapers? What in the world did he do for the betterment of Msia, I have no idea. It's just ridiculous.


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