Surprise, Surprise, Look Who's Blogging.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

I really don't like Allocate+, which is the system us poor Monash-ians have to use twice a year to build our timetable. We submit in our preferences for class slots, and always almost end up getting nothing we wanted, and having to re-do the whole entire thing. Which defeats the damn purpose. Or rather, that's how it always is in my case anyway. I've had my best timetables when I completely missed the deadline for Allocation Adjustment.

Oh and, one woman is the lecturer for two of my units next semester. If she sucks, I'm pretty much screwed.

Okay, I just realised that anyone who isn't in
Monash would't get my grumble. Whoops.

So, yeah, it hasn't been a great two days. One of the things of having a big family is that when an argument gets bad, it just about gets as bad as an argument can possibly get. Things get blown out of proportion, intentions misconstrued, words skewed, uninvolved people get pulled about into a gazillion different directions. It's difficult and things will pull through but hopefully soon. Or else I'm going to have to learn how to reverse my brother's stupid manual, non-power steering, unnecessary extra car so that I can get into my car and fly away from the real-life TVB drama. Heh.

Karoke helps majorly in times like this, I've learnt. Not that I've went because of this, but it's helped in other times before. The uni gang and I went a week or two ago, this time dragging
Adam the karoke newbie along. Even though the guys ruined all my poor Justin songs, it was hilariously fun.

There was a discussion on how little
Timbaland does in Apologize, when in fact the title goes Timbaland Presents OneRepublic.


Zhen Han insisted on not singing. Pfft. As if we were gonna let him get away with that.

ZH: No need to sing la. I'm just here to back-up.

And everyone nearly kills themselves with laughter.

So obviously, it had to be done. We had to get a
Timbaland song on so Zhen Han could assume his back-up role.

Three guys. One
Ayo Technology song. Featuring Adam as 50 Cent, Bryan as JT, and obviously, the very man himself, Timbaland.

ayo technology
I promise I will snap a pic the next time we go to Red Box of our version because we're definitely making them do this song again.

Your hips, your thighs, you got me hypnotized."

Damn fucking funny, I tell you.


So, I haven't done one of these in a way long time. Picture spam!

Mary, Siokkwan and I made our way to Laundry on Thursday night along with Marcus and Ben to see Silent Scream play. It was good seeing the two fellas, who launched into the funniest imitation of the three of us talking about clothes and shopping. Heh.

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So anyway, meet lead singer of
Silent Scream who is rockstar by night and Mary's Sunway ACCA Company Reporting lecturer by day. Yes, he teaches about consolidation and accounting standards.

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I know I have a thing for guitar players, but ehhh, nahh. Sorry,
Mary. :P

It was way hot inside, so out we went.

Darling mushroom and I.

ACCA peeps - A very white
Ben, Marc and Mary.

Sioki and I. I heart this pic.

Marcus giving the camerawoman his best wtf look.

Vin-ster and Mary.

The girls with
Jo and Jo's new specs and Jo's new hair. Lol.

Ben asked a couple of times if he was red. Look who's the red one lah. Beet-red after a single sip. :(

Me: Aiyo, I hate it la - I'm so red already!
The whole world: Good what, you have good blood-circulation! *insert big grin*

Wtf. I'd rather not, thanks.

Jo and Siok.

Chi muis for life.

Sharm's birthday celebration was the next day, and the itchy-backside birthday girl made us all come in angpau packets!

Sharm and I, complete with horns.

Ladies in red.

The three
Amandas - Leong, Teoh, Teh.

Don't we blend in with the tablecloths?

Sharm, you're not wearing coloured contacts, are you? Because if you're not, I hate you.

My dear
Ching, who knows exactly what to do when I need it most. Hugs for the before-party rounding.

Mel, whom I unfortunately did not get a chance to meet up with in Melbourne when she was visiting. You grew taller, Mel! :(

You know, when everyone's in red, you kinda tend to get a red tinge to your face too. Hmm.

Wen. Vin. Ching.

The besties and I.

Gotta love birthday presents.

Birthday girl turned kinky nurse. Anyone need a body check-up? Hee.

Too good a photo opp to pass up.

Tay, Karen and I.

Peks and Steph.

Manda and I before Taboo commences.

A cover of
Incubus by David and friend.

Ching and Mr. Omg-is-that-Takeshi-Kaneshiro-looking-back-at-me-when-I-look-in-the-mirror-?

Yes, that is a Mickey Mouse jelly birthday cake. Ain't it cute?

Who wants Mickey's nose?

Dear Elaine and I. Hope to see you again soon, babe! ;)

See, everyone was too into
Mickey, that nobody realised that there was a mini fire going on outside that ended up with a poor burnt table.

Mun Fong: (pause) Eh, good for steamboat what, the table!
Me: (explodes into laughter)

It was such great fun. Although my poor red top might remain in storage and never worn for the rest of my life, it was many kinds of awesome having a theme. One, you could walk in on some guy peeing and he might not recognise you for everyone's in red. It's genius. Lol.

Sharm, happy 21st birthday! Gosh, it's been more than a decade now, hasn't it? I totally remember you from when Ching would come back from school and you would wave out the school bus window at me. Good times, good times. I wish you a extremely excessively joyful and blessed birthday, with the best things in the world to come your way. I love you, woman!


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2 spoke

  1. Wah this blog so dumb wan ar.....What am I talking about... of course it is dumb, typical Monash student mentality....Dumb ass

  2. At least I don't see the need to go around flaming other blogs anonymously because gee, I actually have a life.

    ...oh, wait that's you.


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