I Miss.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

I miss having long semester summer holidays for about four months.

I miss the older kids being little babies.

I miss sitting in our row of five in Form 5.

I miss being able to write as freely and as inhibitedly as I used to.

I miss my maternal grandparents and the way they took me out for kai-kai and bought me McDonalds when I was younger.

I miss how I used to be able to connect to my cousins when I was younger and play like we were best friends.

I miss sharing a room with my sister, setting the alarm clock every night together and sharing that gigantic Snoopy.

I miss LEO, PBSM, Student Council days.

I miss the old playground opposite my house before they revamped it into this large modern one.

I miss high school and all the moments we shared in our turqoise pinafores, baju kurung bottoms, and mossy green long pants. (Well white if you're a prefect and grey if you were a librarian. :p)

I miss the friends who have changed.

I miss not having to be financially independent for myself. Selfish, but I do.

I miss things being exactly the way they seem to be.

I miss Melbourne and the chilly breeze that catches my hair and tousles it.

I miss the old round steel swing in my grandparents house in Singapore where we spent many a good day on, pretending that it was a taxi. The house is now sold.

So much to miss, but at the same time so much to look forward to. Memories will be memories, etched in some cranny of your mind and soul, and taken out to pore over as a result of a fleeting thought. I just never want to forget. Please, never let me forget these beautiful moments.

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2 spoke

  1. i miss the good ol' days with our bunch of friends, endless laughter, but sadly some of them changed :(

    i miss the moments missed.

    sounds so emo.. wtf

  2. Lol. Emo bemo as we grow older. Where can!


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