Everyday is a Sunday Evening.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Sundays always seem kinda slow, for some reason. It's that day where you kinda get the afternoon to yourself, but somehow you always get this niggling feeling at the back of your head that there's class tomorrow, isn't it?

I should be burying my nose in between the pages of my irritating-to-read Marketing textbook, but it's kinda chemical-ish stinky, and it makes me wanna sneeze. Annoys the hell outta me. How am I supposed to study like that? My mid-sem is on Tuesday, no!

I'm waiting for my lecture notes to download from the Monash Online site, but it's taking me almost forever, and it'll probably take me another decade to print them out, because
I swear my printer hates me. It's so darn slowww. My comp likes to pause on me too. My brother says that I might need somemore RAM, whatever the hell that is. I'm so un-computer savvy that it's not even funny.

I found this short song by an artist called
Rosie Thomas, called You and Me, and it's just so simple and beautiful. It's just her pretty voice, a piano, and a little production. Not too much, but just right. Try the link. A shame when people like this aren't making it, while all Paris Hilton has to do is prance around in a bikini with her digitally altered voice and sell records.

No, the stars aren't blind, they're
just deaf.

Paris Hilton on her (hopefully one and only) album: "I, like, cry, when I listen to it, it's so good."

Excuse me while my eyes roll to Kelantan and back I change the topic.

On a different note,
Man Utd won their third game in a row last night. Idiot commentator noted that they also won their last three games last season, and lost the next three. Choyyyy, touch wood.

The slides have finally finished downloading, so I best be going. Be back soon.

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