
Sunday, August 20, 2006

I somehow seem to have lost the drive for blogging. Strange, isn't it? I was so super gung-ho about it in the beginning. I don't know how Sheng does it, seriously.

I still want to blog. I still like the idea of blogging. I still love to blog. But I just can't bring myself to do it at this time. Probably because I really don't have much to say, except that long-overdue birthday post. It's been classes, day in day out. Monotonous. Nothing to scream and shout about. Nothing to blog about. I really doubt you'd like to hear about my four hour Macroeconomics lecture on a Saturday. See?

So, just bear with me while I try to
get the blogging wheels back in motion.

5:13 in the morning. I'm waiting for my hair to dry, and yes, I seriously need to invest in a bloody hairdryer. I don't know why I don't have one, but well, at least now I know I need one. Downside of long hair- it's going to take me at least another hour before I can sleep without wetting my pillow. With my wet hair, of course. What were you thinking?

If this post seems awfully random and pointless, bear with me. I just came back from Q-Bar with the gang and I'm knackered. Loads of fun. It always is. Would have been better with good music (and if they didn't overkill the
Tokyo Drift song which just grates on your nerves after 3 spins), but the company made up for it in more ways than one. Ran into a couple of MUFY friends, surprisingly. Them and me both, hah. Met a bunch of Monash people as well. It's crazy how we're all in the same university, and yet have never seen each other before tonight. Shows how big-assed unis are.

Speaking of uni, this reminds me of a crack
Yeong Kok made in a lecture:

Lecturer: (talking about some lady who's apparently after him) Lady A was sexy, mannn.

Yeong Kok: (turns around) He said Lady A is a sexy MAN!

Me: -_-" *giggle giggle*

Random-ness, don't you plain love it?

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