The Spring in My Step.

Monday, August 20, 2007

It's 5:47 pm and for a change, there's actually traces of light outside. Finally. It's rather heartening to have it be bright when it's supposed to be, and not already pitch-black when it's only 6 p.m. Flowers are blooming and it's beautiful. I never knew there were so many flower bushes in my garden, heh. Before it was always just all dried up, naked branches and twigs, but now there's colour. Beautiful purple and white flowers with silky petals, big blooming red roses. You don't see it all winter, but when spring comes around, it catches you off guard and takes your breath away sometimes. It really is stunning, the beauty of God's creation.

And it was sunny today too. I did without the black winter jacket I so unfashionably lived in for the whole of winter this morning, and felt fine. The weather was great, the sky clear and bright blue, a nice gentle breeze blowing. It's just one of those days, when you feel like nothing could bring you down. Let's hope that feeling stays.

Oh yes, and I booked my flight for the
11th of December. (:

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