Sejahtera Malaysia.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

So, wow. The PM is reducing the ministers' entertainment allowance in part of its movement to show that the government is, indeed, "leading by example" when they tell us Malaysians to change our lifestyles in order to cope with the price hikes in EVERYTHING.

In passing, "Okay, sounds great," you think. At least they're doing something rather than sit on their gold-plated toilet bowls and figure out how to eat more money from us, right?

Click *here* and you'll see that they've reduced said entertainment allowance by 10% which will hopefully be passed down, through the right channels, to the people who really needed it and the people who've been hit the hardest by the price increases.

Read on and you'll find that that 10% is RM 2 BILLION.

WTF RM 2 BILLION! Which means that a remaining 18 billion ringgit continues to be allocated for ministers' "entertainment", whatever the hell that means?


Breaking it down further, the article says that the "monthly entertainment allowance for the Prime Minister is RM18,865, Deputy Prime Minister (RM15,015), Federal Ministers (RM12,320) and Deputy Ministers (RM6,000)".


I don't know whether to be indignant or speechless.

Oh well, what do you expect from a government whose major leading English newspaper ran a near half page write-up on Page 3 (Page 3! Which is nearly second page, because tell me, who even reads the contents on Page 2?) on the court allowing this old, fat probably very horny man marry a fourth wife. And with the consent from his previous three wives, at that.

Like, zomg wow! Such breaking front-page-worthy news! [/sarcasm]

What is the world coming to. And yes, I meant for that not to be a question, because I'm afraid to hear the answer.

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