Saturday Ramblings.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

One down, three too many to go. :(

I'm in the library on a nice, sunny-looking Saturday morning at 9:16 a.m. How pathetic is that? Well, at least, this is the last weekend I'll be spending here. Thankfully. I don't know how many more weekends of the Monash library I can endure before pulling all my hair out.

It's not that it's bad. Granted, it's a lot more quiet than home because the rambunctious kids are around there, but it still gets annoying when people don't respect the silent areas. In Monash Caulfield, the quiet areas were completely noise-free. A pin could drop and you'd still hear it. But nooo, not here. And you know what's the stupidest thing? It's the studious looking people who talk the most, without even trying to whisper. That's what gets to me. If you have to talk, have the decency to keep it to a low level.

There was this one girl, walking around all day sneezing and sniffling with a piece of tissue paper up her nostrils, who carried on a whole long conversation with some friend about how she brought all her books but didn't study and yada yada yada and it went on for a whole five minutes in the loudest, most obnoxious tone ever. I got so annoyed that I went for a toilet break. When I came back, she was still at it, and people around them were shooting them dirty looks and nope, they were still being oblivious.

So, I looked down at my notes and went, "SHHHHHHHHHH!"

Silence, followed by both of them looking around to see who did it.

Yes, I'm such a bitch. Monash library should hire me to do the job which none of their librarians bother to do.


My CPU died yesterday morning. Nobody can figure out the cause of its death, poor thing. The second brother, who is the family computer doctor-slash-pathologist (Haha, that's what watching Forensic Heroes II on Astro on Demand will do to you; which by the way Kevin Cheng is so hot like whoaaa.) dismantled the entire thing, poked and prodded for about an hour and still couldn't find out the reason for its demise.

And all throughout the process, the sister-in-law and the older brother kept on telling him not to bother, not to fix it.

"Darling, why are you continuing to fix it? Just tell your father cannot fix laaaaa, then your sister can get new comp okay!"

"Yalah David... just tell Papa cannot la. Then Wen can buy new CPU.. 320gb, Core 2 Duo... (goes on and on and on with the excitement of building a new CPU)."

Hahaha, Papa should never ever read this.


The boys got back their report cards yesterday, which reminded me of how we used to write down our top three ambitions every year last time in some book. They don't do it anymore, which prompted me to ask them what they wanted to be when they grew up.

"Boys, what do you want to be when you grow up?"

Joel, almost immediately, says, "I want to be like my daddy... engineer!"

Aaron thinks for awhile and then goes, "I know! I want to be a scientist... but my maths also very good wor. How leh?"

Vanessa smiles shyly, "I want to be a teacher next time."

Joshua raises one eyebrow, and stares back at me with his huge eyes, "...Wen Kor, grow up for what?! For what?!"


After much prodding, we find out that he wants to be a "race-car driver, or a postman... no, no, a policeman!"

LOL. His words, not mine.



OMG. IRRITATING TISSUE PAPER GIRL WHO WON'T SHUT UP AND HER FRIEND JUST WALKED PAST! Thankfully, they booked a discussion room this time. Heh.

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