Dream A Little Dream.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Have you ever had those dreams, dreams that feel so real and vivid when you're asleep, only to wake up five minutes later and having the whole thing evaporate into thin air? And then, there are those dreams that are nothing but clarity, even after you wake up? Every single strange detail or quirk is remembered, somewhere round the back of your head.

There was one in primary school that was quite clear. We were all running from rooftop to rooftop being chased and somehow somebody ended up putting
Sharm out cold with a bolster and finished her off with a nail clipper. Heh. Gory stuff.

One I remember till today was a dark nightmare where I woke up in the middle of the night in cold sweat. I was walking along the streets, not streets that I was familiar with, but foreign ones. Not tar roads, but stone ones; lined with cottages and black lamp-posts. It was cold and a full moon was out. I was walking along those roads and someone was stalking me. I ran and he ran after me. And then thankfully I woke up because I'd really rather not know the end of that.

And then most recently, I can't quite remember how long ago it was but I think it was a few nights ago. It was night-time and the father and I were coming back from somewhere, probably grocery shopping. It was both of us in front in the car and the maid at the back. And just as we were pulling up, we saw an evil-looking blonde guy trying to kill...
Chris Daughtry with a dagger. Like the good citizens we were, we tried to prevent crime and my dad honked at him to scare him away. He pulled Chris Daughtry into this getaway car and sped off, but not before staring at me. And I swore I saw revenge in his eyes.

Last night, I had a continuation of the dream. I'd downloaded a song by this band named
Trustfall before I went to bed, you see. So this time in the dream, I could actually identify the blonde man in the dream - he was the lead singer of Trustfall! (No, I don't actually know what Trustfall look like wtf.) And he was still after Chris Daughtry. And now he was after me too, because I tried to stop him that night. Throughout the whole dream, dream-me was so incredibly freaked out because he knew where I stayed now.

It felt so real that when I woke up this morning, my first thought was "damn, our neighbourhood is really damn unsafe" and the second was to go check the Internet to see if
Chris Daughtry was okay. HAHAHAHAHA.

Sigh. Poor thing. /sayangs Chris Daughtry

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2 spoke

  1. this really is a wtf moment. hahahahaha :P

  2. HAHAHAHA i knowwww :D Chris Daughtry would be freaked if he suddenly decided to google himself and dream in the same search one day and ended up here.


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