
Thursday, November 05, 2009

Today I received one of those chain e-mails and apparently it's... Girlfriend and Sister's Week! Now, I didn't know that something like this existed, but well, more power to anything that celebrates those who tick the 'F' box when filling in gender in forms.

I mean, how can you say no to anything that commemorates womankind and sisterhood? :P Right? Right.

(In fact, boyfriends you should also celebrate this week by treating your girlfriends like queens today and EVERYDAY! Habis la all the guys gonna come after me with parang.)

You go through the best years of your life together.

We play netball together and get into catfights on the court together...

You work towards graduation together and then go on holidays after graduation together... :D

We get tipsy and drink graveyards together...

We go through thick and thin and generate way too much noise together...

p/s: See Ching you never come for my birthday that's why no pictures of you. Lol.

So to all my lovely girlfriends, Ching included, whether your picture is up here or not (because that's all I have on my office laptop so forgive me :P), you know I love you. Here's to us and here's to sisterhood.

I am only as strong as the chocolate I eat,
the hair spray I use and
the friends I have.
To the wonderful women that have
touched my life, young or old... Here's to you!

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