Oh-So Appealing.

Thursday, December 30, 2004

Gosh, I hate how a girl can't even walk on the streets peacefully without getting whistled or catcalled at. It's a Malaysian men thing. They roll down their car windows, stick their heads out and ogle. And then comes the pursing of the lips and whistling.


Geez. I hate that. Like, wow, gee whiz. I'm just so attracted. Morons and their oh-so appealing nature. The name's Wendy, not Amoi, thank you very much.

I still remember, a couple of years ago, we were walking home from school (in school pinafores, come on) when this car came up dangerously close to us. The driver stuck his head out, and yelled, "Tai wo huey jia, leng lui!"

(Translation: Bring me home, o pretty ones.) I mean, come on idiot, how the heck are we supposed to bring you home when you're the one with the car and we're the ones walking?

Get a life, dammit. I mean, you don't see us members of the fairer sex whistling at some guy's bottom, do you? No. Which part of the NO do you not understand?

Please, just control yourselves and be the nice, kind, calm, dignified citizens like we were all taught to be. Urgh.

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