Boys And Their Toys

Thursday, December 30, 2004

You have no idea what cool toys children have these days. Joel got this 3D Snake and Ladders set for Christmas, and it is the coolest thing ever. In my day, (Lol, not like my day was that long ago.) Snakes and Ladders was played on a piece of thin cardboard bearing numbers and pictures of; duh, what else? Snakes and ladders, of course. You'd be surprised how this old classic board game has evolved. You play it with these little marble-like pieces, and move it from hole to hole on this uneven plastic board. And so the marble sort of rolls up ladders and rolls down snakes. The dice is in this see-through plastic sphere right in the middle of the the whole board and you sort of spin the sphere thingy to 'roll' the dice. It is sooo fun. And I'm reliving out all my childhood days here. Lol. We must have played nine games.

I was 'spring-cleaning' (Just a figure of speech, not like Malaysia has spring anyway) and I cleared out a whole truckload of Barbies. Yup, I was your typical little girl, decking out my Barbies in pink clothes and little plastic high heels. And I also had a penchant for chopping of Barbie hairlocks. Yeah, no kidding. I never realized how much Barbie hair I'd cut off until today, when I opened up the old toy box. Anyway, guess what? While I was clearing, my three nephews got well acquainted with the naked Barbie form. Gosh, I wasn't trying to encourage them or anything, but they seemed awfully engrossed with the female human body. Well, I guess it's only normal for boys. Right? Right? Please someone, I need reassurance. Lol.

Me: Boys, Barbies are for girls. Are you girls?

Joel: *grins sheepishly and puts down Barbie* I'm looking ONLY!

Joshua, two years younger and oblivious to what's going on, continues exploring the poor Barbie.

Me: Joshua! Are you a girl?

Joel and Aaron: *choruses enthusiastically in sing-song voices* JOSHUA IS A GI-IRL, JOSHUA IS A GI-IRL, JOSHUA IS A GI-IRL!

Oh me, oh my.

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