Old. Why?

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Recently, I've been feeling old. God, why? Yeah, yeah, I know I'm still really really young. But it does really seem like time is flying past before my very eyes. The clock is ticking. (And probably ticking really loudly now too, when I should be doing Math.)

Time flies. I'm in college now. I remember how I used to think that this day would never come. Back when we were all stuck in navy blue uniforms sitting in Standard Two. But now that it finally HAS come, I don't want it to end so quickly. But it probably will anyway. Just to spite me. Lol.

Stress is getting to me. I have to finalize my research topic tomorrow and I still have no idea what to do. Grrr. I hate this. And to top it off, my Maths B lecturer chose today of all days to check on homework. (Maths B is Specialist Maths, in case anyone is wondering. I highly doubt that though.) And then she sprung a pop quiz on us. I hate pop quizzes. They're about as much fun as eyebrow plucking. They give me hypertension. High blood pressure, in layman's terms. Argh!!!!!! It's mentally draining.

Stressed and old. Great.

PS: Happy Birthday Ching! You had an exciting bday, huh? With that humongous, attention-drawing scene in the cafeteria. =)

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