Book Sales.

Saturday, April 30, 2005

Book sales are bliss. Lol. Seriously.

If any of you have time and enjoy reading, check out the book sale at the Times Warehouse Sale, it's situated next to Colgate & Palmolive at Section 13 (opposite Cold Storage). There are tons of books. I repeat, tons. Loads of authors, Catherine Tan, John Grisham, Maeve Binchy, Jeffrey Archer, Anne Rice, Stephen King, Meg Cabot, Adeline Yen Mah, etc. I spent up to two hours there, scrutinizing book covers. I was like a kid in a toy shop. But it was fun, it was something I hadn't done in ages. I remember when I was a little girl, I used to love going to the MPH sales in Jalan 223 under the hot sun and searching for my favourite Sweet Valley Twins books. Haha. Now I'm bringing my nephews to the sales, and buying them Spiderman coloring books. How things have changed.

I can't believe I just spent RM 90 on books. It was pretty worth it, though I've never spent so much on books before cause I usually rent them. But this time round, it was really worth it, I got 16 books for RM 90 which roughly evens out to about RM 5.50 per book. I got Harry Potter : Order of The Phoenix for RM 8. Can you believe it? Lol.

Okay, okay, I know I'm totally boring everyone to tears with my book talk over here. I'm just glad that I'm up and blogging again. I had a faulty modem for about over a week. Thank goodness my brother had an extra one.

Anyway, since today's the last day of April, I'd just like to give this part of this post to a couple of my dear friends who have turned eighteen over this past month. =)

Here we go, April babies:

Sheng - April 2nd. Miss you, woman. Heard you've gone less bitchy and have moved on to baking cookies now, eh? hehe. you know i'm kidding la right? =)

Ching - April 13th. Now that I've bought you a pair of new basketball shoes, you can eat your old shoes with ketchup. Hee hee.

Ann -
April 19th. Sorry I couldn't make it for your celebration, girl. I miss you. And your curly hair. ;o) Happy birthday, again yeah?

Pek Wah - April 24th. Italliannis food was good, yum yum. Haha. Hope you like the piggy. Have you stuffed tissue up its ass yet? (gawd, that sounds so obscene.) For everyone's information, the stuffed pig's a tissue holder. We're not sadistic people over here.

Mun Fong -
April 29th. Hope you have a wonderful birthday, girl!!! Not that not being legal has ever stopped you before, but anyway, enjoy being finally legal. Lol.

Anyway, hope you guys had a great birthday. As for me, I'm gonna slowly wait till August.. (*hint*) to finally get my license.

Oh well, until then, I'll just curl up with one of my new books and spend a leisurely afternoon leafing pages away. *grin*

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