On Hiatus.

Monday, May 16, 2005

It's been quite awhile since I've posted, eh? Since that long picture post, which I got a lot of feedback from. =) It does bring back memories, doesn't it?

Oh well. So much has been going on since that post. I don't know where to start. Been so busy with everything. It's lunch break now, and I'm in the library blogging, cause I know if I don't do it now, I'll never get around to doing it, and my blog will just die off. And I will not let that happen, cause so far, this seems like the only New Year's resolution I've like EVER kept to keeping. So I'll try to make it last. At least till the next New Year rolls around.

So here's what's up :

STRESS LEVEL - oh yes, stress level is way, way, way up. Who wouldn't be with all the damn continuous assessments!? I tell you, being consistent is such a pain in the booty. There's a 5% assessment almost every week, which you can't really afford to screw that badly. Sigh. Econs assignment test this coming Thurs, Maths B on the next day, Accounting the week after, and then a few days later, mid-course exams start. *insert big groan here*

HOMEWORK - My table is piling up with the work I'm supposed to be doing. And the pile is not getting any smaller! Waaaaaah.. I wanna see my table again! My beautiful brown table. It's not been empty for ages.

WAIST LINE - haha. waist line is up, up, up too. You see, we're (Ching, Sioki, Mary, Suki. And me of course.) are planning to have a girls night in/out everyweek. And our last Friday's outing totally revolved round eating! After pan mee for dinner, the five of us polished off god-knows-how-many-litres of La Cremeria Chocolate Hazelnut Tempation ice cream. *slurp* So sinful. So much ice-cream. Goodness. We sugar-rushed after that man. They went out to the verandah of my house and had a slipper-throwing competition. I know. They lost their minds. And I'm just pleased to announce that I didn't take part in the competition. Nah, it's not because I'm more sane. I just didn't wanna ruin my new white Ipanema slippers. =P

NOSTALGIA LEVEL - Nostalgia level is sky high. First Friday night with the girls where we had a laugh fest induced by loads of sugar.. Then Saturday lunch with Mary & John. Everytime I hear John talk about his classmates in school, I feel like going back and doing form 5 all over again. Don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying college, but school was and is still one of the greatest landmarks of my so-far life. Then at night, finishing off with a mamak sort of 'reunion' at Murni at night with the girls and couple of classmates. So fun. Aside from this weird stalker-looking guy who paced up and down the road 9 or 10 times. Then Ching & Sioki wanted a go at driving a manual car again, so they took Lik Xiong's car around the park for fun. Now that was kinda freaky. =P *grins*

And what's down?

SLEEP - Not enough sleep. Enough said. I'm a grump with not enough sleep. How am I ever going to face Maths B class after this?

EYE SIZE - My eye size is reducing by the hour. How sad is that? There's not enough eye for it to reduce! I don't have big enough eyes for it to reduce. Great. Soon all you'll see is two slits in my tired face. I'll get hired for a part in Sepet pt. 2. =) Hey, actually that wouldn't be too bad after alll, would it?

TV SATISFACTION - Sigh. Not been able to watch my Chinese drama on TV3. It's so funny, even though I'm watching it for the second time. I know, i know. I'm an addict. Sigh. Help me, someone! Oh yeah, sadly, Anthony got voted off American Idol. It's gonna be a Carrie vs. Bo final. It just has to be. I still don't know who I'm rooting for though. And can't believe Rob & Amber didn't win Amazing Race! Bah, humbug. Argh.

LUCK - I always choose the wrong-est computer to sit at in the library. Either the screen is blurry, or it takes damn long to load, or the chair is super duper creaky. And today, the mouse just sucks. Ish.

Oh well, time to go. Maths B class starts in approximately 8 minutes. Till the next time, tata. I need some lurrrrrrve, ppl. Send me some lurrrrrveeeeeeee and hugggggggssssss.... =)

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