
Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Yummy. Great combination huh? I mean, of course I overburnt my sausages and chicken wings, but still, it's quite fun. You get to spear your food, and... okay, I'm starting to babble here. Lol.

Anyway, I just want to dedicate this part of my post to
Mr. LIM JO WENG, [yes, Jo, don't kembang, okay?]who turned 18th on the 3rd of July, 2005. Yeah, his MSN nick proudly proclaimed that he's now legal to watch 18-PL movies, but Jo, when has not being 18 stopped you from doing that before anyway? Tsk tsk. I hope you had a wonderful day, even though you had to work and sweat all day preparing the yummy-licious food for us. :) Here's to you being one year OLDER. Mwahahahahaha.

Here's some pics of the night:
Here's the birthday boy blowing out candles on the cake. The candles are placed to make it harder for him to blow the candles out. Hee hee.

Kapi and K Vin! I had such a great time catching up with Kapi again. Woman, I really miss ya. Look how white K Vin is!

Of course, no party would be complete without at least one cam-whoring session by me and the 2 SKs -
Suk Kwan and Siok Kwan.

The guys messing around, trying to block some poor soul out of the picture. The cardboard box is where someone's face should be.

Josie, king of FFK-ing and me. This was Josie's third attempt at a pic, since he didn't like the first two. "Haiyor, why my teeth look like that one? Take again!" Right.

Can you believe these guys hung around trying to activate Jo's neighbour's sensory light so that they could have a brighter picture? Guys are vainer sometimes, I swear. L-R: The original ungentleman
Wei Soon, Paul and Jo.

I've got more pics of the night uploaded at my new site. Click here. Or at least, more of us syok-sendiri-ing with the cam. I'm gonna at least try to stick to uploading all my pics there so I can save myself the trouble of sending them to everyone everyone can easily obtain pictures from me. Haha.

On a totally random note: just thought I'd show you how much we listen to our incredibly boring kindergarten Moral Studies teacher.

Ching resorts to body art.

And another random note: my house is completely durian-nized! Ooh, the smell is EVERYWHERE.

Family durian feast.

Btw, the world of blogging has a newbie in the form of Wei Soon, also known as
Alwin, with a 'W' and not a 'V', which is WEIRD. =)

And we're going to Starlight Cinema this coming Friday, to catch Sepet! Can't wait.

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