Pretty Pretty People.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Now that school has once again reopened, I spent most of the afternoon helping Joel with his tatabahasa homework. My BM isn't the greatest but its still good enough for Standard 4 tatabahasa, thank god. Heh.

After finishing his homework, he turns to me, beams in appreciation and goes:

Joel: THANK YOU WEN KOR! You're such a princess, you know that?

Me: (kembangs for a few seconds, thinking wow, this kid sure is good with his compliments) Huh? Why?

Joel: Because you're not married yet la!

I blinked and stoned at him for awhile. Honestly, I love the way children minds work. It doesn't get any more o.O than that.

Oh well, means when I get married I will be the queen. MWAHAHAHAHAH

Sorry, getting a bit carried away with being royalty for awhile. Heh. :P


Adam showed me a youtube vid the other day of this hilarious, stone-faced comedian doing a mime to Natalie Imbruglia's 'Torn' (which I nearly killed myself laughing at - the mime, I mean, not Natalie Imbruglia's Torn) and it is so SO SO hilarious. I watched it a few more times after that, still laughing, sent it to Josh and laughed about it somemore over MSN. Hee. I also sent it to Drew and he says it's an "old thing" but pfft, I'm a bit outdated. So if you haven't already seen it, give it a go.

"I'm wide awake and I can see the perfect sky is torn..." *insert tearing motion here* HAHAHAH :D

Ahh, powers of Youtube.

The Internet is a great tool, but I think I do spend too much time on it for my own good. One thing leads to another and another and another and poof! your whole afternoon may be gone.

I was just randomly looking for a Twilight shot to put on the sidebar the other day and then I stumbled upon this huuuuuuge collection of gorgeous Robert Pattinson shots (For those of you who don't know, Rob Pattinson is the actor who plays the main character, Edward Cullen). And he's really quite the looker. I think it's the brooding, mysterious look. Classically good-looking, if you may.

I'm quite liking the book series. Twilight starts off really painfully slowly and trudges through a lot of trivial things, but the second half was arguably far better. And then things get better on from there on. I wouldn't say it's great great because it's not the page-turner I expected it to be, most definitely not like how I read Harry Potter from day to night non-stop, but it's still pretty good. At the heart of it, its actually essentially romance. With action and suspense and a dash of gore. Just a dash.

The movie on the other hand, was a pure disappointment. I know tons of people who love the movie because they haven't read the book, so it's one way or the other, I guess. It's love the movie and hate the book, or love the book and hate the movie.


They're painted as such gorgeous creatures in the book, these vampires. They have flawless skin, and they glitter when they catch sunlight, have great hair and bodies and glide along gracefully. There's supposed to be this aura about them that's perfect.

They did a great job with casting, but then the movie didn't do their beauty enough justice, Rob Pattinson aside. I recognised Elisabeth Reaser from Grey's who was Esme but had no clue to how the other actually looked like sans thick vampire make-up. Look how pretty these people are.

See? And they all look like one big happy family. The human and the soon-to-be werewolf and the good vampires and the vampire baddies.

Haha, so cute.
Grrr I wish I could also spend my afternoon frolicking around in some field taking pictures for Vanity Fair and look as good as that. Instead, I'm wrestling with some stupid online job application system right now which won't work. Wtf.

I bet you didn't think James (played by Cam Gigandet who is the guy lying down), the vampire who bit Bella actually looked as good as that without the mean I-want-a-bite-of-you streak and his greasy, mangy looking ponytail right?

Hot boy sandwich. That's Kellan Lutz on the right who plays Emmett, Edward's brother whom ZH tells me is also on 90120.

HAHAHA damn funny. Rob Pattinson with the rest of the Twilight guys.

They actually do look really good together eh? Now if only they'd have more chemistry in the movie.

Oh well, as pretty as they are, I still say - read the books. And even if you want to watch the movie solely for the pretty? Get the DVD because the cinema version is so censored and choppy.

That's it for tonight, I'm going to go continue reading Breaking Dawn now :)

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