
Thursday, January 08, 2009

My English is getting worse. It took me awhile to come up with the root word for resolution. (Reso-what? Resolute?)

It's resolve. I think. Heh.

I don't remember if I ever had any resolutions in the years before. I mean, I really must have had some but knowing my nature, I probably never ever kept them. I probably had the usual "This year I must study harder" shit. But now that the necessary education (bar the postgraduate education, should I choose to go down that route) part of my life is over, that simple resolution which I probably fell back on every year doesn't work so well anymore when people ask me what my resolution is.

So, do I make a new resolution that I won't end up keeping?

People make resolutions because sometimes they just need that extra push, a little help for them to go the extra mile. It helps you urge yourself on, because it's that New Year's resolution you made. Must keep you know!

Well, I think it's a good idea if it works for you. You make a promise to yourself to do something and you're not bound to anyone to keep your end. But yourself. Which actually should hold the most weight. I'm not talking about being selfish, but I'm just talking about doing something for yourself because most of the time, people get so caught up in living for somebody else that they just don't do that enough.

So, I'm going to do something for myself this year. We'll see if it works. I am scared of change, I admit. I have probably fallen into the routine of university more than I would have liked to. Now I have to leave the comfortable confines of books and go out and face the scary rat race. Making friends and getting along with others have never really been a problem for me, but somehow this is different. I worry if I'm only book smart at the end of the day. I worry if I'll be affected by workplace politics. I worry if I'll fall victim of the office-unmarried-at-thirty-something-bitch-from-hell-boss. :P Something along those lines.

I resolve to embrace change as it comes. To take change in by the reins, learn to ride change with confidence and by all means knee the freaking thing in the balls if it is mean to me. /melodrama. Heh.

(But really, this does not give everyone a pass to come and question me about when I'm going to look for a job, why I'm sitting on my ass doing nothing, or tell me that I'm never going to find a job if I don't look now. Because I'm really quite sick and tired of dealing with all these questions. If you have a job, good for you. Congratulations. Don't get on my case now. I'm only twenty for crying out loud. I KNOW it's an obvious question to ask someone if they've just completed their course but come on, I'm sure you can come up with conversation better than that. If you can't, then well I'm sorry. Looks like you're just plain boring.)

Okay sorry, getting a biiiiiiit violent.

I guess I do have one other resolution. Josh persuaded me into joining NaNoWriMo and in one of my moments of lesser judgment, I actually agreed! Eep. So if I really keep to this one, I will have written a 50,000 word BOOK by end of November, 2009. (Plus, November is one of the busiest months of the year! Special people's birthdays! Special days!)

Maybe it could be a blessing in disguise. I remember writing somewhere that one of my dreams is to write a book. And I also put a very confident "Just watch me do it" at the end. Heh. Arrogant little kid. That was when I used to love writing and when it flowed easily for me. This could be what I need to rekindle that simple joy.

But still, 50,000 words! *faints and dies*

Take a look at the wonderful view from Bukit Kiara. It was the first of about eight other firework displays we caught that night after huffing and puffing up for about half an hour or more (Josh, you're a gem for bringing us and putting up with all our "ARE YOU SURE!?-s"). Absolutely breathtaking. Curv-what? PFFT.

So, on that note, HAPPY NEW YEAR! Have a great one. (:

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