Hasty Pop In.

Thursday, June 03, 2010

It's been awhile, blog.

I keep on telling myself I'll sit down and do a proper update one day, and not steal moments in between working hours, or while I'm waiting to go out to lunch (like now) to hastily type a few words in your body and deem it a proper update.

Time just doesn't permit! :( Boo.

The past month has been pretty damn crazy. Planning the Managers' Conference for 1,300 pax - all staff from senior executive level to top management - took up nearly all my time at work. Colleagues said it was like another day job, and I fully agree. Some of my other projects took the backburner and I am fully feeling the effects of chasing up to meet deadlines and clearing all the backlog accumulated.

But work aside, I'm taking a break this weekend! I'm on leave the coming Monday and tomorrow is a full day of training (read: hotel food and leave at 5:30 p.m.) so it feels like a super duper long weekend. Yeay. The boyfriend and I are making a trip down the island down under (Singapore! Not Australia, thought I wish it was :p) to visit Universal Studios and the casino, so it should be a blast.

Off for lunch now, colleague is waiting for me, so it's time to go till the next hasty update. Ack.

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