Break To/From Study(ing)?

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

So, I'm on break this entire week. What have I been doing? Let's see. Well, I lazed around on Monday, went somewhere mentally taxing on Tuesday and now here I am in the Monash comp labs on Wednesday.

Guilty!Wen decided to come back to uni today to get some work done on her hard-assed Management assignment. But once sitting comfortably in the comp lab, aided with quick-assed internet access, she chose to update her blog. Thus, making Guilty!Wen become Lazy!Wen.

Double damn.

So, I got tagged a loooooooong time ago, and well, I decided to finally get them done. Since I'm free now. Oh wait, I'm not supposed to be free. Never mind that.

I might as well get started quickly so I can finish quickly and get to my research work. *nods wisely* Yep, that's the way to go.

Idiotic Idiosyncrasies

id-i-o-syn-cra-sy /,Ιdiә'sIήkrәsi/ n [C] 1 an unusual habit or way of behaving that someone has. 2 an unusual or unexpected feature that something has.

"Here's the game. Introduce 10 quirks or idiosyncrasies of yours on your blog, following which you are free to pick five more people to do the same thing."

Okay, I officially got tagged by Ms. Loong Sheng Mae, ages ago, so here goes nothing. After all, goodness knows I've got more than enough idiosyncrasies.

1. [Twisted]
I always reach up to twist one of my five earrings on my earlobes. Twist twist twist. All the time. If I'm not wearing studs and wearing dangling earrings instead, then I'll be fiddling with them. Fiddle fiddle fiddle. I do this so much that I usually end up pulling too hard, and the back of my earring (What's it called? The earring stopper?) falls off. And I absolutely H-A-T-E losing the back of my earrings. Ugh. It annoys me.

2. [Babble Babble; Toil and Trouble]
I can bull and cock with the best of them. Enough said. I talk a lot of nonsense, even more so when I'm sleepy. Rubbish comes out of my mouth when I need sleep. Ask anyone, they'll vouch for this.

3. [SMS from SMS - Save My Soul from SMSes]
I SMS too much. SO much that the keypads on my two previous phones konked out as a result from my frantic pressings and overuse. My brother claims I SMS often enough, and quickly enough, to generate enough kynetic energy to supply electricity for the whole of SS2. Yeah, as you can see, exaggeration runs in the family. And my father always complains about my phone bill in the end. It's a lose-lose situation - skyhigh bill and spoilt keypads - but I can't help it! SMS me, and I'll reply. Bad habit. When I'm bored, I'll SMS you. Nooooooo. I shall not.

4. [Dry Wit]
Sarcasm comes easily. It's like a spoilt tap; it can't shut itself off.

5. [The Evil Box]
Those of you who know me well enough probably already know that I'm a TV addict. *cries out dramatically* No one can save me anymoreeee! Nyaahahaha. But TV, it's a way of bonding with my family. It's at the end of the day, where we all sit down, and watch TV together and dissect the plot and the acting loudly, like wannabe movie directors. Tsk tsk.

6. [Ker-rack]
My second toe on my right foot can't stop cracking, something wrong with my joint there, I suppose. I know. Gross, right?

7. [Multi-Tasker]
I study with the TV on. I can talk on the phone and study. I study with the radio on. I study with my MP3 player on. I study with my computer on. It's a wonder I actually get any work done actually. Lol, not to mention that I'm wasting one big heck of electricity.

8. [Pace Me]
I type pretty fast, even if I do say so myself. It's practice from typing all those meeting minutes for about *count count count* four years. [Omg, I held some form of secretarial position for four years?] I remember I was damn free as a kid, and my dad had this sort of typing book and I used to study the diagrams for fun as a kid. I know, I know, it was weird. We had this type tester in the lousy comp labs back in school, testing to see how fast you could type and I remember amazing
Win Han with my score. He then, in typical Win Han fashion, went around announcing it to everyone who would listen to him. Lol, amazing how i can just remember certain things but fail to remember the rest.

9. [Triple Z]
I love waking up in the morning and realising that it's not time to wake up just yet. Then, I turn over and go back to sleep. Aaaaah. Such a heavenly feeling.

10. [What?]
I'm very deaf. BUT, I'm very sensitive to the sound of water. Like, when the TV's blasting, I can tell when the pail overflows in the bathroom. I can hear the first few drops of rain. Odd, isn't it? I'm still figuring it out.

Who I tag in return?
Hmm. Anyone lah. I'm not particular.

And then, I also got tagged ages ago by Ms. Eunice Wong. So since I'm fulfilling my tags, I'm getting off my lazy ass and getting it done too.

Silly Sevens

7 known things about me
1. I don't like tauge.
2. I have a mega-huge family. But I wouldn't want it any other way.
3. I like Man U.
4. I like One Tree Hill. You would have to be
dumb, blind or deaf to not know these two.
5. I laugh a lot. When I say a lot, I mean a lot.
6. I like maths. Or maybe, I used to like maths. I don't know. Haven't had to do much maths recently.
7. I can bake cookies.

7 lesser known things about me
1. I used to be a mega-humongous
Westlife fan. :D I went for two concerts! We were listening to Westlife, just for kicks in someone's car [I shall not name who, as to discriminate against him/her. Lol.] and omg, I realised I still know all the words. Sigh, the effect of five [now four] Irish hunks with harmonies on lil teenage girls.
2. When I'm angry, I'm
really angry. You probably do not ever want to see this side.
3. I go crazy at booksales.
4. I need a new bag. Hint. Hint. Hint.
5. I like singing and dancing. But whether I'm any good, I don't know.
6. I had asthma as a kid.
7. I cannot swim.
Sheng saved my life at camp. [Psst. But that's what she likes to think. What she neglects to say, is that I was wearing a life jacket :D]

7 wishes
1. For mummy and papa to be safe and healthy.
2. To live an emotionally fulfilling life.
3. For everyone to get through life, just fine.
4. To write
THE great novel one day. One day. So, twenty years from now, if you see my name on a book, please please please please please buy it! Buy the hardcover, yah?
5. Peace in the world and goodwill throughout.
6. Okay, since the first few were so beauty pageant-ish, I shall be greedy and say that I want a bazillion megabucks. :D
7. I want
England to win the World Cup. Hah.

7 things you like about yourself
1. My hair.
2. My sense of humour.
3. The way I express myself through
4. I like that I can sit down with a person and start a conversation. I know, I know, that sounds weird.
5. The way I put my mind to something when I want to.
6. Some things, I can memorise very easily.
7. My
passion for things I enjoy.

7 things you don't like about yourself
1. My toes are ugh-ly.
2. And I really don't like my nails.
3. My complexion. *pout*
4. My natural sense of procrastination.
5. My teeth. Sigh.
6. My sense of direction.
7. My
short-term memory. Lol.

7 things on my mind right now
1. I really should be getting started on my research work.
2. I feel like watching the new episode of
One Tree Hill.
3. I wonder if there are mangoes at home... Hmm...
4. I wonder if anyone has already finished their 2nd management assignment. If so?
5. I hope it doesn't rain tomorrow night. I wanna go pasar malam.
6. I wonder how dear ol'
Sharmo's doing in NS. Probably running or climbing something. Or being stared at.
7. I think that I think too much.

7 things you hope to accomplish soon
1. How about just getting through uni with my
brain in one piece?
2. Some form of success, hopefully.
3. A scholarship from Monash.
4. Learn to fiddle somemore with the layout of my blog. It's pretty interesting, HTML. Remember how my boring blog used to look? It's way prettier now, but it still could be better.
5. Earn enough money to buy my parents something they really want.
6. I want to travel and see the world. There's so much more out there.
7. And just for kicks, I'm going to be the
first female manager in the EPL. Mark. My. Words. Nick, when we going Old Trafford already?

Who I tag to do this next?
Sheng, if you haven't already done this . Nick, 'cause I think it'll be fun for your class blog if you can get everyone to do it. Chris, because you haven't blogged in AGES and I miss you. Angeline, because I haven't spoken to you in ages. And again, because I'm bored, I want everyone to do this. :D


The song of the mo- Keith Urban's Making Memories of Us. It melts me. Awh.

Thought of the minute- See above.

Wish(es) of the day- See above.

Thing(s) I should do- Get started on research. Chop chop.

Thing(s) you should do- Go to pasar malam with me tomorrow night? *bats eyelashes*

Favourite quote since the last I blogged:

*At this new pizza place opposite KJ LRT station, sitting near the children's corner where Cartoon Network is showing*

Jo: Eh, got X-Men!

*long pause*

Drew: Ayyyy, how come the beast suddenly so lengchai already one?!

Us girls: *bursts into laughter*



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