Say It With Me Now.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Hey all. Haven't had much change to blog lately since what I had of a social life before has slowly been dwindling. I've been spending up to eight or nine hours in the library a day. Yes, me. Spending eight hours a day in the goddamn library. *faints* The person who doesn't go in there unless she has to borrow books for an assignment.

At least I'm forcing things to be done when I'm in the library. Put me at home, and I swear I'll loaf around. Walk here and there. Teach
Aaron and Vanessa how to boogie to Shakira. Steal dinner from the kitchen. Channel-surf to my heart's desire. Find new songs to download off the net [I know, I've become a worse pirate since I've gotten broadband].

I'm reading, and taking notes, but somehow, nothing's going in. But, that's gotta be better than not doing anything. Right? Goodness, I don't know.

I can't wait till all this pain-in-the-goddamn-butt exam stuff is over. I need a breather. Work has been going on and on non-stop since the start of our first ever uni assignment. Things are going to get worse. Bah.

But anyway, this week seems to be a good week for catching up with people. Everyone's hanging out in the library.

Had a long, long chat with
Aaron-the-Panda on Monday after class while we were supposed to be studying. That dude seriously has his whole life planned out ahead of him. Summer school, internships, a job at KPMG; he has got it mapped out. Intimidating stuff. Made me feel like such a bummer. :D

Went off to Salmon Steak's later for dinner with half of the council. Sigh, I miss council so, so much. So much. Had an awesome time with them, especially
Michelle, whom I haven't seen since forever. I love that girl, I tell you.

Michelle, Xue and I, in the SSD.

Janet up after that and went to Asia Cafe for a few rounds of pool. Janet left five days ago to Singapore to work. Sighh. We're all going to miss her terribly. Pool with her that night was soooo funny, I swear, because she's so bitterly funny with the rest of the guys. Ching and I spent more time laughing than potting balls. Lol.

As usual,
Wenxue and I make one horrible unique pool team, haha. With all our fluke skilled shots.

Janet and I, and Goldie, who was still a little puppy then. We were having our council tanglung session, like lil kids. :D

Sweet, cute but at the same time, sour! Bwahahaha. That so describes
Janet to a tee. That was one of the games we played during our Genting trip, I think Charmaine drew that, if I'm not mistaken.

If you ever read this,
Janet dear, here's to wishing you all the best in Singapore. Don't so garang there yet kay. =)


Ran into
Diane again and talked to her for ages on Tuesday. Out of the four days I've been in college this entire week, I've seen her three days. She's like a Sunway student now, tsk tsk. We gossiped and bitched for ages in the library and this bitch who's such a hypocrite, came and shushed us when she herself was making havoc, giggling and talking with her lala friends before that. Like the great library users we are, we didn't give two hoots, and continued pissing her off. Hah. She was the only near us anyway. Right back at ya. Taman S.E.A. educated the both of us well, didn't it?

It felt good to be talking to
Diane again. Just like the old days. We never get to meet up these days, anymore. And Kapi and Teng too. Ey, women, where the heck are you guys?

The Gang at Scouts Den Stairs 2
The good old days with the rest of the gang. How young do we look, seriously?

Kapi, Deez, Wen 1
Us then. The bitchiest people in Cempaka, hee. No competition. And no, its not because we're evil, it's because the rest of them aren't as open about it.

Diane now, with her posh hair. =P And that's Sheng.

Had the longest chat ever with
Cath outside the library while she was waiting to go into the exam hall. How I've missed her. I love love love talking to Cath because we never run out of things to say. She and Eugene and Ching were the among the few people who actually made working in Echo mildly tolerable. I'll bet the both of us could talk till the cows come home, leave and come home again. :D I've finally found someone who can talk as much about TVB dramas as I can.

Managed to catch up with
Yeong Kok, Foon Yee, Ashie, Eugene and a few others in the libary too. That's like becoming everyone's favourite hang out place, hah. I swear I've never seen the libary so packed before, and that's considering the aircon on the top floor conked out. Amazing. The power of exams.


Mary managed to tempt me with the evil powers of mamak yesterday night (or rather, early this morning) at 1-something online. And like the lousy lack-of-self-control person that I am, I gave in. Sigh. Guilty, much?

Went out with two of her classmates,
Marcus and Ben. And I seriously don't think I've ever seen two guys who can talk more than them. Haha. Or who have more imaginative minds than the both of them. They envision things very well. *coughRUGScough* We laughed our arses off like maniacs in the middle of the mamak. About almost everything and anything. Either that, or it was because all the sugar in the drinks made us extra hyper.

Talk about good de-stressing.

Oh and on a side note, do you really think the police are ronda-ing at night? Nope. They're
eating nasi lemak at 3 a.m. at the Maybank mamak.

No wonder
Evelyn's car got stolen.


I went to the library on today. On a Saturday. Someone just shoot me already.

But on a brighter side, I got to go to the Pay Less Books sale in Subang. Ahh, joy. As usual, I went around like a kiasu-auntie with a big cardboard box I stole from the counter and chucked book after book after book in it. All second hand books, but hey, who cares. Good books are still good books.
Bought 21 books for about 50 bucks, believe it or not. I'm slowly becoming a mini-library, I swear.

Ugh, and that word comes up again. Library. It's haunting me. Nooooo.


The song of the mo- Stand Still, Look Pretty, by the Wreckers, which Michelle Branch is a part of. Great stuff.

Thought of the minute- Damn, it's hot out.

Thing(s) I should do- Get started on Microecons.

Thing(s) you should do- Someone, get me a nice cheap England jersey? How about it?

Favourite quotes since the last I blogged:

*Dinner- talking about the Rukun Negara*

Everyone: *trying to recite the Rukun Negara to see if we can still remember it* Kepercayaan kepada Tuhan... kesetiaan kepada raja dan negara... keluhuran perlembagaan...

Mr.J. : We should make Ming (who's the least patriotic person, EVER.) read the ikrar at the Merdeka rally this year lahh.

Ming: No! I can't even remember the freakin' Rukun Tetangga!

Everyone: Rukun Tetangga? *laughlaughlaughlaugh&justaboutdieslaughing*



So that's it. I'm officially on a hiatus. The mood to blog is just not around with exams in the way. See you guys after the 13th of June!

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