Absence Makes.

Friday, July 21, 2006

...the heart grow stronger, no?

Exactly why I didn't blog for so long. :D Ya, right.

Anyways, nothing's been going on, so no need to blog and bore whoever's still reading with the boring details of my boring life.

Classes started up again and I said bye to my four to five week long holiday. Yes, I know I shall be thankful and shall not complain, or else I'll get one big bunch of ACCA students yelling at me. So, I shall learn to shut up.

Speaking of ACCA students, there's this one guy I know who actually comes up with L.A.M.E. jokes. Oh yes, I said l a m e. Don't believe me? L a m e. I kid you not. Read on.

ABC: hey wanna hear really lame jokes? kekekekeke

Me: errr... okay?

ABC: what's the malay name for Singapore?

Me: singapura?

ABC: noooOO! hahaha

ABC: Nyanyi-Satu-Liang!

ABC: Sing-A-Pore

Me: -_-"

ABC: admit it...you're laughing!

Me: *inserts slapping emoticon* x 5 times

ABC: wen's mean

ABC: hahaha

ABC: here's another one.. malay name for Portugal?

Me: lol.. i don't want to be polluted with this lameness!

ABC: awww come on

ABC: I promise... it'll be a good laugh!

. w.ë.n . back on home ground. [[splashes.blogspot.com]] says:
okay okay! enlighten me!

ABC: Pelabuhan Dua Gadis or...Pelabuhan Kamu Perempuan!

ABC: rotfl

Me: *inserts another slapping emoticon*

ABC: hahahaha okay okay.. two final ones k?!!

Me: OMG, there are MORE??!

ABC: there are! :D

Me: i feel faint..

ABC: What's another name for France?

Me: i'm trying to be lame.. but i have no freaking idea..

ABC: hehehe give up??

ABC: CHEESE WAR! France= Perancis= Perang Cis



ABC: but you're laughing aren't you? :D

Me: choking, more like it!

ABC: :( wen doesn't find my lame jokes funny

Me: err.. laugh laugh?

ABC: fine fine.. no more jokes for wen, she's not even laughing

Me: okay.. okay.. they're lame-ly funny..

Me: like.. knock your head on the table kind of funny..

Me: in other words = LAME..

Me: it's something wei soon or joseph dong will appreciate..

ABC: I came up with them

Me: YOU DID?!?!?!?! o_O

ABC: what's another name for Holland?

Me: just tell me the answer!

ABC: Bell Under or... Loceng di bawah!

ABC: derived from BELANDA!

Me: lol.. you are WAY too creative for your own good

Me: seriously, you came up with those? -_-"

ABC: yeah, in class... Advance tax was way too boring yesterday

Me: lol.. no kidding.

ABC: hehe, now you've got some lame jokes to tell people...


So, I'm telling you guys now. *shakes head* Wei Soon, you like those jokes? :D

Sigh. The lame-ness I'm surrounded with.

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