Assignments Bite.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Feeling like - I Think I Need A Hug

Assignments are such a pain in the you know where.

Especially when you have three of them due in the same week. One on Monday, one on Tuesday and one on Wednesday. I will be certified mentally ill and will need a straitjacket to wear when Thursday comes around. If you see me walking around looking disturbed, please do me a favour and kindly send me home. You know where I live. I will most probably be sleep walking due to extreme stress.


I've always thought that course work was a lot better than one grand final exam, but now I'm not too sure anymore. I think it actually depends a lot on what kind of person you are. If you're hardworking (which I'm so obviously not, bleh) and you finish your assignments three weeks before the deadline, giving yourself ample time to study for the finals, then congratulations, a course which is work based is the course for you.

If you're a lazy bum, who likes nothing more than sitting on your laurels, potato-ing on the couch, while your fingers get exercise from giving the remote a complete body work out, and only gets so caught up with the idea of assignments when the due dates start to loom, and begin your 2500 word assignment only three days before you have to drop it into the brown assginment box outside the School of Business on the third floor? Then NO, you are not cut out for this kind of course, my friend.

Somehow SPM seemed a lot better, looking back now.

Why am I blogging when I should be scrambling to get my work done? Assignment-block. The worse kind of writer's block a person can experience. Time is ticking, you have another two assignments eating away at your heels, and the only thing you can do is stare blankly at the blinking text cursor on your Word document that's slowly driving you out of your mind.

If only there were assignment shopping malls. There'd be Forever 19+2=21 for Stats assignments, MKTG instead of MNG, Padini Conceptual Stores, FCUK - Foreign Capital in the UK, Top-Law-Shop, McMacroDs. Shopping sprees for assignments.

Or if they had assignment generators. You know those things online where you type in a few things and they generate up an entire story for you? Or when you do a couple of MCQs, and voila! An entire evaluation gets pulled out from nowhere.

Better still, Assignments 3-in-1. Add hot water and you're good to go.

*snaps out of delusion and back to the sad, sob story of reality*

It rained and I forgot to close the windows in my parent's bedroom while they were out so now they're mad because things got wet.

I have to finish Macro by today.

I have to get certain things out of my mind.

I have been broke for the past weeks. Still am. Probably still will be.

The fact that finals are a stone's throw away should zap me into panic mode.

I can't, can't fail anything.

Oh, and just to make myself feel better, I got 21/25 for the marketing mid term. Yea.

Don't you just love it when I blog under stress?

[/end of rant]

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