
Monday, March 28, 2005

My second brother sucked his thumb till he was in Standard Four. I just found that out yesterday. And am still a little dumbfounded. My goodness. Of all the bad habits, I just don't really understand the necessity of sucking thumbs. Probably to a baby, or a toddler, it's a sense of security and comfort. It's nature, basically. But to a Standard Four year-old kid? I don't get it. Does it even taste that good?

And then, while we were on the topic of thumbs, I found out that my sister sucked HER thumb until she was TWELVE. She was practically a teenager. I can't digest these pieces of information. Lol.

That's not all. My eldest brother did not suck thumbs, but instead, he sucked on his index finger and his middle finger when he was a kid. Simultaneously, both fingers in his mouth. Haha! I never knew what dark secrets my siblings had. *grins evilly* Now I know. It was such a lovely family bonding session with all these 'skeletons' coming out of the closet. We were all laughing madly, especially my brother's wife, who was a little freaked out that their future children may take after him. Lol!

Is it even any wonder that I'm the only sane one in my family, with siblings like these? Hehe. Thank god they don't read blogs. =)

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