'Hello' Has Lost Meaning.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

I need to talk to real people.

Answer phones for a day, say the same lines over and over again. And you'll just start feeling a little less human. Robotic, even.

"Bristol-Myers Squibb, good morning, how may I help you?"

[pauses to listen]

"I'm sorry sir, Mr. *insert name here* is unavailable for the next two days as the company is away on their annual trip."

[pauses to listen, usually to some exclamation of 'Wow!' or a slow thoughtful 'I see', which is then promptly followed by them asking where the trip is to. Insert some nodding here even though no one is around to see it.]

"They've left this morning for Sabah, sir."

[more pausing on my part]

"Perhaps you can try calling again on Monday, sir?"

[pauses again]

"All right, sorry for the inconvenience, sir. Thank you, bye."

*Note: Replace the above underlined words when necessary with appropriate alternatives.

Yeah, so I feel like a robot.

It's another 8 and a half hours of being a robot again tomorrow.

I need to talk to some real people, who do not include those on electronic devices, courier service messengers, PosLaju messengers, or any of the kind. Any takers?

Big, fat, gigantic no thank you to Xue who kindly informed me that there was a bloody arm sticking out of the cubicle behind me. I freak easily. Sheesh. Even when there are NO cubicles, whatsoever, behind me. Stupid, I know, but hey, I can't help it!

Oh well. A huge pile of mail just came in for me to sort through.

Sooooooo, I shall have to let my blog goooooo. Geez, how pathetic do I sound?

PS: On a much, much, much brighter note: Michelle's back from Australia to the hot sunny land we call home; she says she's already melting. Haha.

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