Lose-Lose Situation.

Monday, March 26, 2007

You know, back when I was doing temp work as a telemarketer, I kept on telling myself that studying was so much more fun. Going to work was such a drag sometimes. My brothers, sister, sis-in-laws, everyone else who has left the school benches and the uni lockers behind them to enter the working world, has told me the exact same thing.

"Enjoy your schooling life. You will wish you could go back once you graduate."

Then how come right now, when I have to start studying, and present some thingy on banks tomorrow, I feel differently? Urgh. Right now, I can't wait till I put on that large robe which looks like a garbage bag, toss on a square hat on my head and take some
super cheesy photo with a super cheesy smile holding a scroll with a red ribbon. Work seems a lot more fun.

It's a
lose-lose situation. The conclusion? Don't do either.

HEH. If only I was a

*dreams and falls down hard on my butt*

Human nature's a funny thing. You always want what you can't have, no?

In non-related news: I wantttttttttttt the
SE Z610i. :D So pweettty.

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