
Wednesday, March 14, 2007

I've gotten into a bad habit of putting more alphabets into a word than actually is necessary, just to stress it.

Example? I missssssss you alllllllll. I wish you all were hereeeeeeeee. I jusssssssssst had dinner.

It's a horrible habit. It's
so awfully whiny looking but yet I cannot stop doing it. Sheesh. It's as bad as Jo's kekekekekeke hehehehehehe lolz habit. Nooooooooooo.

Oops, there I go again.

Anyways. I'm tired. Like the title says.
I overslept this morning and missed one tutorial, but that's not the point, hee. I had four hours straight of classes today. Two lectures back to back, and both lecturers not being the most interesting lecturers in the world. I used to be able to do four-hour-straight classes back in MUFY, but that's probably cause each class was only an hour long and we would move from class to class and make noise socialise in the corridor in between classes.

Wednesdays are hell. That's what I get for cramping all my classes together just so I can have a long weekend. I have Mondays and Fridays off, whee. No pain, no gain. But that doesn't stop me from bitching about it.

You know, back home if you had asked me what my favourite chore was, I probably would have said doing the dishes. I've always liked that, soaping dishes, and
feeling the texture of a clean plate and singing off-key to whatever song was stuck in my head. Despite that stupid old Malay proverb that says you marry an old man if you sing in the kitchen. WHATEVER.

Anyway, the point is, in the strangest way possible, doing the dishes is
calming, in a way. No concentration is needed. It's hard to describe, but it's just relaxing. Weird, I know. You can add that to the endless list of Wendy's weird quirks.

So, today, while doing the dishes, I realised something. Maybe I only liked doing the dishes back home
because I don't do it everyday. Yes, I admit, I am lazy and am lucky to have someone who does it for me. But, I still do it occasionally, especially when I bake or cook myself. So maybe, after a year here, I won't enjoy it anymore, because I have to do it every freaking day, or starve to death because I don't want to dirty any dishes, or leave them in the sink and let my housemates dunk my head into the toilet bowl 49 times. You choose.

I also might possibly be the
only person in the world who enjoys doing the dishes and who thinks about not enjoying cleaning the dishes anymore after a year in Australia...while doing the dishes.

Sorry. I know there was no bloody point to this post, and I will send you a virtual hug if you have actually read this far.


Crap. There I go again with the unnecessary letters.

P/S: I have two clocks on my blog now! One on Malaysian time and one on Melbourne time. Hee, I was blog-surfing, and saw the clocks on Aaron's blog and I gatal, so I put them up too. Thank you, Aaron. For that you shall receive a
free advertisement in this post...

...Aaron takes pictures superbly-duperbly well with his super-duper canggih camera. Click here

Tata, m'loves. Need to go wrap my books now and get started on homework. HEH. Missing you all!
to ooh and aah over his work. =)

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