Yes, It's Over.

Monday, June 18, 2007

I am done with finals! Okay, so I was actually done on Friday, 12:50 p.m., but yeah, you get the idea. Went to DFO with Serena after that, and shopped till our heart's desire. I bought a $4.95 bag. *is proud*

We cooked nasi lemak, with chicken rendang on Saturday, with honeydew sago for dessert. Yum. Sunday was more shopping, this time at Bridge Road. Pretty disappointing. Nothing much unlike the beginning of the year when we practically raided the shops there. Lol.

Today was a collapse-at-home-day. Mopping floor, cleaning room, stacking up all my over-and-done-with textbooks and notes. Lazing around and eating nasi lemak leftovers.

Oh, apparently there was a shooting this morning at Flinder's in the city. I had no idea till
Caryn told me. Scary shit. I've always thought Australia was a safe place, compared to the US where you hear of school shootings once in maybe two years. Case in point, Virginia Tech. You can't walk into say, Target, and purchase a gun like you might be able to in the States. And yet, this morning, there was a gun-wielding guy, letting off 6-7 shots in the CBD. Pretty scary stuff. Any one of us could've easily been there. Friends living in the city could've been easily walking down the street.

Let's hope this is not the first of more to come in Melbourne. May the one victim rest in peace, and the other two heal as quickly as possible.

Okay, this was not meant to be a depressing post. Sorry.

OTH Season 4 finale was possibly the smiley-est, happiest episode EVER. The way it all ended. Damn sweet. Damn nice. Baby James Lucas Scott. Obsessive adorable Nathan & Haley. Brooke and OMG-so-awesome-Chase. The BFF-ness of Lucas and Haley. Brotherhood. The Rivercourt. Dance routine to Spice Girls. I've been watching it a few times over. Lol. Jasmine and I might have spent an hour this afternoon obsessing about OTH and Season 5. Hah! :D

Serena's going home on the 20th and I am going to be so bored. Lucky thing Ching finishes after that, and we are going to go eat shop have fun!

My stupid work permit STILL hasn't arrived. I'm so annoyed. At the rate this stupid thing is going, I'm only going to be able to work for about two weeks, one week of which I want to volunteer at the Monash Abroad orientation for Semester 2. Grrr. Why is the stupid immigration taking so long? I hope they haven't rejected my application.
Joachim got his easily, I remember. Please come tomorrow, work permit.

I am going to completely die for Semester 2. I'm taking two third-year units because of the exchange - all the units have been screwed up because not everything is available in Caulfield and yada yada. Don't want to bore you with the inside works of the Monash curricular system. Long story short, I'm doing two third-year units next semester and might possibly die. That is, if I don't already die on the 13th of July, aka results day.

Ehhh. This post is heading back down the depressing lane. Better end it now. Love you all! xoxo.

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