How To Save A Life?

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

It's crazy, a little surreal even, sitting here and reading about the school shooting. Five innocent kids shot, six others wounded.

What's going on with society, that can bring someone to do something like that? Take away worthy lives, like they're his to take, like they owe him something, like killing them would make his life any easier.

It's insane and deluded and it makes me want to knock some fucking sense into people who think that doing this is the only way out.

In respect of those who died, say a prayer for them and their families and friends. It doesn't matter if you believe, or if you don't. Just say a few words to God, to yourself, to whoever. Because nobody deserves to go in the cruel way that they did.

It makes me numb to think that something like that could happen anywhere, anytime.

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