Downing Slugs.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Howdy, folks. =)

Well, it's been a pretty typical family weekend all round so far. Went for an early Daddy's Day celebration yesterday night at this cool seafood place at Kg. Kayu Ara. It's nice to see the whole family all dressed nicely, going out for dinner, cause well you know, we're such a huge family that we don't all get to go out together that much. Sometimes it's a hassle, and it's not easy to get everyone free at the same time.

That's me and my darling niece, Vanessa. It's usually so hard to get her to pose for pictures. She looks like a lil princess here in her new white frock. =)

Yeah well, this restaurant is pretty interesting. There's this heeeuge selection of seafood. Many, many types. They have them in tanks, and lil kids just go and stand in front of them, ooh-ing and ahh-ing. Well, me included. Haha. They even have some kind of fish in like this fancy drain-looking pond (lol. well, i don't know how else to describe it) surrounding the tables.

My mum: Hey, look at the fake fish. So cute!

Insulted restaurant owner: They're real.

Now you guys know where I inherited the blur-ness from, huh?

The tanks. The guy would walk out every now and then, and chuck some struggling fishes into a big plastic bucket and all the adoring kids would clap and giggle. I could have sworn I saw that guy blushing. Really.

That's air-buh-lone-y you all. Lol. My England not so good, you know.

Ate the normal seafood. You know, fish, crab, prawn, squid. Yummy. Had a plate of clams.
"Wen Kor, why the seafood uncle serve us only seashells to eat? He's cheating our money, larhhhh."

I chewed down a Japanese snail. Yes, I did. I mean, I've eaten escargots before, soaked in a nice cheesy garlic sauce where you couldn't really taste anything at all, except garlic and cheese. Yeah, well, duh of course, but anyway, the ones we had yesterday were really quite awful tasting. And slimy. Urgh. And of course things didn't help that Aaron was giving everyone a live commentary while I was trying to keep the slug down in my stomach where it should not even be in the first place.

"Wen Kor!!!! Eeeeee-yerrrrr. After the snail crawl around and leave a lot of slime in your stomach then you know. Yucks."

Thanks a lot, boy.

Oh yeah, have I ever told you guys that my oldest brother is a Star Wars geek-freak-nerd-maniac-fanatic? Well. Take a look at him, and you'll just see why.

Darth Vader. Here. Right in my house. Eep.

That Darth Vader mask/helmet-lookalike has this cool voice box thing, where it changes your voice and makes it sound Vader-ish. Haha. That thing scared the shit out of me. And my mum, too.

Brother / Darth : [in authentic Darth Vader voice courtesy of the mask/helmet] "Mummy. You. Have. The. Force. With. You."

Mum: [shrieks] "Sot chor ar lei? Kam tai chek yan chung kau mai yi tit kam ke yeh! Ngo yau huet ngak kor ka lei chi mou!" *rambles on and on* [Haha. For those of you who don't get it, she says : Have you lost your mind? Still playing with these kind of things even when you're so old! I have high blood pressure, you know!]

I had to type that in Cantonese to portray the true essence of Mummy. Haha. I laughed my arse off. Hilarious stuff.

Oh, oh, oh. And before I forget. I got a puppy! Ain't he absolutely adorable?

Anyone got a name for this cutie over here? Help me out!

Loadsa lurve you all. I've still got another week of lazing, couch potato-ing and pigging out to go. Yay!

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