Drained Out.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Woke up Friday morning feeling sleepy. As usual. Only this morning we were supposed to go and fulfill our year and a half-long ambition of going for a dim sum breakfast. Lol. Well, for me and Jo and Andrew anyway. We talked about going for dim sum all the time back in form 5, but we always didn't end up going. Because we didn't think Diane could wake up in time. Haha. Yeah, we had that much faith in her.

So finally, we had our dim sum. Our next missions: seafood, steamboat, bak kut teh. Haha.

Was supposed to go for a game of badminton after that, but since
Lik Xiong wasn't there yet, we went to the pet shop next to Ming Tien. Goodness knows why, but it's always fun cooing at little furry animals. Watched Andrew wonder out loud whether the little fishys in fish tanks say 'hello' to each other every time they swam past each another. Some imagination he has. Watched a few hamsters have an Ironman challenge in their cages.

Lil cuddly pooch in the pet shop. Couldn't resist snapping a pic.

Went off for our badminton game after that. The last time I played was way back in Standard Six, five years ago. I could, surprisingly, hit the shuttlecock. And even if I do say so myself, I was pretty good, and almost kicking Drew's ass at it. ALMOST. I'll get it right next time. I think I'm starting to like badminton more than attempting to play basketball. Haha.

Found out that
Andrew purposely left me hanging while I was waiting anxiously for the NS results that night. He was playing some inane online game while I was fretting. So, it didn't actually take as long as it really did. You ass.

L-R: Lik Xiong, Andrew, Ching, Jo. Everyone's looking up. Lol. Yeah, duh, that's what they're supposed to do, but this looks really funny. Like they lost the shuttlecock and were searching for it in the air or something. Haha. Yeah, I was taking a breather. My stamina sucks.

Came back, all stinky and sweaty, all geared up to play again tomorrow. Since I had finally found another sport that I was actually halfway decent at. Hah!

Met up with some others at 1U's Chillis at night, for
Mary's pre-birthday dinner. Awww. Hope you had fun kicking Sioki's ass at pool, babe. =P I played pool, and hit the bloody white ball into the hole. Six times. How embarrassing.

Ooh, and we also saw Pop Shuvit's drummer, RUDY, at Chilli's. *swoons*

Playing cards in Honeybee Cafe after 1Utama session. Ching & Suki - Hey Suki, there you are! [Haha, she was saying she doesn't get to see much of her face in my blog. Sheesh.]

Mary winning look while she was beating me at checkers.

Went home. Plopped into bed. Hibernated the night (and the next morning) away. Woke up with the after-effects of too much badminton. Muscle ache. Ugh. My right arm hurts, my feet hurt, my calves hurt, even my butt hurts. Don't ask why.

On the upside, it's
MARY's birthday today! Loadsa lurve from me, babe. Let's wish you a wonderfully happy birthday. May you be blessed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year.

Jovina turned 17 yesterday! I miss you so much, gurl. Thank goodness we're finally meeting up soon. In like 13 hours. Lol. Let's finally go get our licenses, can? Hope you had a great birthday. *big, long, knocking-air-out-of-you hug*

There's not much left of my holidays! Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

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