Wendy-O-Logy 101

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

I'm bored. It's holidays. So, I shall give you guys your very first lesson on... who else?... ME. It's Wendy-O-Logy time.

I am lame. But it's my blog, so who cares? If you don't like it, get lost. Gosh, I'm just getting meaner these days, aren't I? It must be part of the aging process. Old and bitter.

So, here are just a few [Hah, a few is an understatement] things that you might or might not know, need or need not know, want or not want to know about me.

You can see how well you know me.

  1. My Chinese name is Siew Lai. I used to hate it. But oh well, after you have great friends who insist on calling you by your Chinese name at times, it kind of gets stuck on you.

  2. I have a humongous immediate family by today's standards. Dad, Mum, two older brothers and their wives, my sister and her husband, their four kids, two rascal dogs, and the latest addition, my puppy. Phew. Some list, huh? That sounded like those essays we used to write in primary school. Lol.

  3. I actually wear glasses. Most of you are used to seeing me in contacts all the time.

  4. I have long rebonded jet black hair. It's so black that I dyed it once, and it still looked black. I love my black hair...

  5. ...But I still get a lil itchy and feel like dying it sometimes.

  6. I like maths. And no, I'm not nuts. Yet.

  7. I hate being ordered around by people. If you want me to do it, at least say 'please' or 'thanks'.

  8. I sing strictly in the shower. And during karaoke sessions.

  9. I'm pretty lousy at piano. But somehow, miraculously, managed to scrape past Grade 8. Thank God.

  10. I realized a lot of things about God recently that I have pushed to the back of my mind before. He is there for me, regardless. I always knew that, but somehow it hit me pretty strongly recently.

  11. I'm not bad at netball...

  12. ...But am extremely uncoordinated at all other sports. Especially basketball. I think the number of times I've been hit by the ball is four times more than the goals I've scored. Pathetic, I know.

  13. When I was a baby, I was completely bald.

  14. I love mangoes.

  15. And cookies and cream ice cream.

  16. I'd like to write a novel one day.

  17. I was a heeeee-uge Winnie the Pooh fanatic. In fact, Sioki and I bonded over Winnie the Pooh. That's how I got so close to her. Lol.

  18. I've only been to three countries outside of Malaysia...

  19. ...And am dying to visit more.

  20. I fall pretty hard for guys who play guitar. Stupid, I know.

  21. I like white roses and lilies.

  22. I want to watch 'Jerry Maguire' badly. Anyone got the VCD?

  23. I have big feet. I wear size seven. Sometimes six. I love the salespeople who tell me I'm a size six.

  24. I think 'Akademi Fantasia' is totally overrated.

  25. I love watching soppy movies. And I cry at them too. Yes, and I cried at 'Brother Bear'. I don't know why.

  26. I've gotten hooked on 'CSI:NY' recently.

  27. I can speak and understand Cantonese pretty well...

  28. ...But am awful at Mandarin. Those 4 years of classes all went down the drain.

  29. I like dancing. Even though I may look stupid.

  30. I can bake. And I enjoy it. Mainly because my family's so huge, so whatever I bake finishes pretty quickly. It's self-satisfying. Yay.

  31. I can't swim. Sheng saved my life at camp when I fell in the water. Haha. Ooh, drama. I was wearing a life jacket, ANYWAY. =P

  32. I think sarcasm is a honed art all by itself. Lol.

  33. I know I am so lucky to have so many wonderful friends. You all know who you are.

  34. I have a purple thumb when it comes to gardening.

  35. I could sit down all day long in front of the TV.

  36. I may seem stuck-up at times, but I'm actually not. It's just cause I didn't see you. Or that I'm just being blur. Which happens a whole lot. Really.

  37. I can be an awful stickler for grammar and punctuation sometimes. Notice how I usually only have three period signs at once. Like this : '...' Usually is the key word, though.

  38. I contradict myself all the time.

  39. My birthday falls on 8/8/88. Yep. And I love it. Thick-skinned, aren't I? That was a huge hint. Haha.

  40. I have a pink towel. And a green tooth brush. Haha.

  41. I once fell asleep when I was on the toilet bowl. Mind you, I was probably about six. Lol.

  42. I went for a choral speaking competition in Standard 6. where I wore the most awful shirt, long skirt and hat that you'd ever see. I had to whack Paul with a rolled up newspaper stick which was meant to be a vacuum cleaner. Haha. I was this mother, and he was Jack, as in Jack and the Beanstalk.

  43. And then I played an abused child in the drama competition in Form 5, and got whacked in return with a rolled up newspaper stick again. I actually had bruises, from Wei Soon, my drunk father. Lol. Makes we wonder whether I gave Paul any bruises back in Std. 6. Oops. Sorry.

  44. I also had a love scene in that very same drama competition. And I hated it. If you have any pictures of that embarassing scene, please destroy them! I'm begging you here.

  45. I can be extremely competitive. Being in the most kiasu class in Form 4 & 5 certainly fuelled that...

  46. ...But all the same, I wouldn't have traded in my two years in Cempaka for anything. It was like family, you know.

  47. I'm still using the same quilt that I've been using for the past 10 years. It's blue with teddy bears, rainbows and stars all over it. Owwhhh.

  48. I've started keeping journals countless times, but never stuck to writing in them.

  49. I hate bean sprouts a.k.a. tauge with a vengeance...

  50. ...And celery too.

  51. I read tons and tons of chick lit.

  52. I am extremely BLUR. With three capital B's. BBBLUR. Like that, yeah. And LAME. With three capital L's too. LLLAME.

  53. I'm actually half Singaporean. My mum is from East Singapore. That explains the kiasu blood in me, doesn't it?

  54. I wish I had dimples. Wonder how I'd look.

  55. I used to be crazy over Westlife. Gosh. That seemed like lifetimes ago. I used to write fanfiction about them too. And I actually won one online award. *blushes* Lol!

  56. I can't wait to get my driver's licence. Three more months!

  57. I think guys looks extremely good in polo shirts. Especially light, light pink ones. Or when they sort of pull the collar a little up. Am I making much sense?

  58. I can be pretty old-fashioned. I think guys should make the first move.

  59. I used to love watching Power Rangers as a kid. I used to imagine I was the Pink Ranger. Lol.

  60. When I was seven, I woke up once, thinking that there was a bad guy under my bed. I ran downstairs, got my maid, grabbed a broom and came back up to attack him. It turned out to be my stuffed elephant. had a big imagination even as a kid, huh?

  61. I like poetry.

  62. My mum says I could recite the whole alphabet when I was sixteen months old.

  63. I can't stand being stabbed in the back by someone I never thought would do it. If I don't know you, I don't care.

  64. I can't stand those Malay 'dangdut' singers. And their lame video clips.

  65. I need music when I study.

  66. I usually only use Uniball Signo 0.38 pens to write.

  67. I would like to join Malaysian Idol, but I don't know if I have enough guts to face Paul Moss.

  68. Let's see.. I like... Gary Neville, a footballer with Man United...

  69. ...Andy Roddick, past US Open Champion and fantastic tennis player...

  70. ...And Kimi Raikkonen, the hot, quick, perfect F1 driver. Haha!

  71. I watch all those TVB dramas on Wah Lai Toi at night with my whole family. And I enjoy it. Lol. We bond over TV-watching.

  72. I like you if you can make me laugh.

  73. So far, out of all the Malaysian acts, I think Juliet the Orange is one of the best.

  74. I think Natasha Bedingfield's, Gavin DeGraw's and Howie Day's lyrics are brilliant.

  75. I love getting great bargains and shopping where there are mega sales. But then again, who doesn't?

  76. I love 'A Walk to Remember'. And '10 Things I Hate About You'. Watched them so many times.

  77. I don't go around telling people all my secrets.

  78. I failed my formative Add Maths in Form Five...

  79. ...But other than that, I've never gotten a 'C'. *beams proudly as ego bloats*

  80. I was extremely rude to Puan Zakiah once. But she deserved it. Hmph.

  81. I have more than my fair share of embarassing moments. I thought the rice cooker was my dustbin. And I threw some trash in. While the rice was cooking. Lol. The other moments are way too embarassing to share. Although, I'm sure my KIND friends will gladly fill you in.

  82. I like the Honda Jazz. And surprising, I don't really like sports cars. Ching says that shows I'm more inclined to start a family. Or something along the lines of that. God.

  83. I absolutely adore Italian food. Spaghetti, lasagna, yummy.

  84. I have tons of CDs, but only a few are not pirated. I'm a horrible citizen, aren't I?

  85. I have a ridiculously expensive bag from my siblings for my 16th birthday, and I don't use it in fear of scratching it. How dumb is that? Must dig it out to use it more often.

  86. I think guys these days are too short. Why is that?

  87. I want to watch 'Sepet'. And I also want to go for Starlight Cinema.

  88. I'd like to have three children. After I'm married, of course. Lol.

  89. I like going to church. I feel at ease there.

  90. When people ask me to choose a number between 1 to 100, or whatever, I always say a number which has the digit '8' in it. It's more because of my birthdate, and not so much because of it's Chinese connotation.

  91. I find it hard to work with people who are stuck-up and who speak in a somewhat demeaning manner. Yes, Biatch, I'm talking about you and your kupu-kupu mate.

  92. I actually quite like to listen to Chinese songs, even though I can't for the life of me understand what they're singing sometimes.

  93. I get awfully a lot of Indian guys propositioning me on Friendster. *scratches head*

  94. I am a worrywart. Especially during exams and results time. Not good.

  95. I try not to make failing an option.

  96. I am 'syok sendiri'. And no, I don't know how to translate that to English if you don't understand. I had a metric measurement named after me, for goodness' sakes! Gee, thanks Wei Soon and Andrew. In our class, syok-sendiriness will be measured in Wendys. On a scale of one to ten. For example, if you were being pretty syok sendiri, the guys would say that you were being 8 Wendys. Poor me.

  97. I think romantic guys are almost extinct. Anyone, anyone, guys wanna prove me wrong?

  98. I love the sounds of light guitar strumming and a nice deep voice singing along to it.

  99. I try to be happy. Why waste time being sad and depressed? Cliched, yes. But true.

  100. Well, I think you didn't really really need to know all of the above...

  101. ...But I can't believe I managed to reach 101, and that you still kept on reading till here. Haha. Give yourself a pat on the back if you did.

Yes. Lame, I know I am. But continue to read this blog, you shall. Trying to be Yoda, I am. Hee hee.

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