
Thursday, March 30, 2006

You know the type of dramatic background music that plays over a dramatic scene? The really deep rumbling type which goes 'doom dum dum dummmmmm'? Yeah, if you watch loadsa TVB dramas or draggy Mexican telenovelas or tear-bucketful Korean soaps, you probably already know.

I get that exact same song playing in my head when I hand in assignments. And I bloody hate it. It annoys the crap out of me.

We drop our finished assignments into this box. Not just any box. But boxes which resemble post-boxes. So, once the corner of the assignment slips from my fingers and lands with a resounding thud into the box through the lil slit, that's it. That's god-knows-how-many-percent there.

I hate handing up assignments like this. The second it leaves my fingers, I immediately know I've done something wrong, or left something out.

I know I felt like giving up yesterday. I shall not, I shall not, I shall not.

Uni's bullying me, I swear.


Mary got her new phone about one month ago (?), and I finally got some pics from her. We absolutely had to
open-ceremony her phone with a camwhore session of us, you see. No other way.

Phone Pictures 0451
And I start off with my relentless posing. It's in solarise effect. Her phone's chun. Has all this fancy-schmancy effect stuff. And my hair looks long there.So, I likey. My eyes are as small as ever, but oh well. Nothing I can do there.

Phone Pictures 062
Another fancy pic of me and
Jo. [Psst: Jo's actually this whole bigger poser than I am, kays. Ssssh.]

Mary and I.

Phone Pictures 043
Mary, Sookies and me in the backseat.

Us at
Jun Mun's farewell before he left for India. We are just getting better and better at self shots.

Phone Pictures 009
This is from
Jo's phone, instead. Check out his nice blue walls which he painted himself and refused to let us help him because we're not good enough painters for him. Hmpf.

That's all for the pics till I get a replacement for my lil loved bluetooth device which is now split into half when my brother took it apart trying to fix it. Sigh.


The song of the mo- Pussycat Dolls' Beep. Cute song.

Thought of the minute- I wonder what's for dinner.

Wish(es) of the day- For the end of next week to come and go.

Thing(s) I should do- Finish up my econs assignment.

Thing(s) you should do- I'm running out of ideas. Maybe you should help here here. Lol.

My favourite quotes since the last time I blogged: Bryan always says something funny without meaning to, but for some reason, I can't remember any. I think my brain's too fried from the Biz and Econs Stats assignment.


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