8.48 am.

Friday, January 28, 2005

8.48 a.m. and I'm blogging from one of the computers in college. Can you imagine? My eyes are barely open and I'm typing little alphabets on my screen. Lol. Came early with Ching cause her classes started at 8.30 today. My first class isn't till 9.30. So here I am, sitting with another bunch of people who have nothing better to do on Friday mornings than surf the net at 8-something in the library. But the internet connection here is heavenly. Aaaaah. Bliss. Way faster than the snail-paced one I have at home.

Classes officially started this week. Pretty fun, I suppose, with the exception of Economics. My Econs teacher is a cross between En. Ravi and Pn. Liew. Not as bitchy, though. But definitely as boring as Ravi. And for some strange absurd reason, my runny nose always starts off in Econs class only. English has been fun =P You know that lil critical thinking game where you have 9 people stranded on an island, and they manage to build a hot-air balloon that can only manage to fit 5 people? Yeah, that kind of thing, only these characters we got in English were way more interesting. There was:-
1. A serial rapist, engineer
2. Prostitute with a type of STD
3. Blonde bimbo with no education
4. Homosexual painter, philosopher
That's about all I remember out of the 9 characters, but it was something different for sure. Lol. The guys in my group tried to save the hot blonde bimbo, naturally. How predictable. Haha.

Sharmin turns 18 today! *Wheeeeeeee* Happy birthday, woman! How does it feel like being finally legal? Lol. One of my friends had an interesting point, actually. In a few years time, we'd be 20 and there won't be a number 1 in front of your age anymore. Unless you live to be a hundred of course. Scary, isn't it? It's leaving teen-dom and propelling straight into the big two-oh. Sounds like such a huge change. But anyway, that's more than enough of depression here. I've gotta go soon for Accounting. Tata.

PS: I just hate coming up with titles for my posts. They all sound ridiculous. Sheesh. And I hate being sick. Oh well, nobody said life was going to be perfect.

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