College Chick.

Saturday, January 08, 2005

I went to enrol yesterday at Sunway University College. I'm now a full-fledged college-going lass. Lol, okay, maybe not just yet, but I'm on my way! Haha. I'll be doing pre-U : Monash University Foundation Year (MUFY) and my orientation is on the 17th of January. I honestly don't know to be hyped up or freaked out. It's a little bit of both now, I guess. College sort of wrenches you out from the comfort of secondary school, where you had the luxury of falling into the daily routine of school. Waking up early weekday mornings, stumbling into class bleary-eyed, not listen to the teacher, give excuses about unfinished homework, hop on the mad school van home. Where life is run by the obnoxious ringing of the school bell. Secondary school was our security blanket.

It will possibly be starting primary school all over again, but less innocent, with less naivety. Making new friends, trying not to seem like a loner, picking out what to wear everyday [as opposed to the two magnificent choices I had every morning for the past year: Baju kurung or pinafore?], unknown lecturers. Whoa. *sharp intake of breath* But for the dear life of me, there's no way I'd pass up this opportunity. I took THREE whole hours to convince my dad out of the whole FORM 6 idea. And heck, this is most definitely worth it.

Other people in Sunway -
Ching, K Vin, Foon Yee, Karen, Ash, etc.- I'm praying hard that our breaks clash!

New subjects too. I have had enough of Biology to last me for five entire lifetimes, thank you very much. I'll probably be taking Math A, Math B, Accounting and Economics. English and LAN subjects too, which are compulsary. I have no idea why my subjects sound so unimportant. I mean,
Ching's subjects are like 'Principles of Financial Accounting', and 'Mathematics in Data Management'. Impressive-sounding huh? Lol.

Oh well, in the meantime, I have about a week left. I better start catching up with all these people I haven't met up with in ages. Or else, the next time I see everyone together will be ... SPM Result Day. Gulp.

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