Laugh Fest.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Last night we went to Spicy Leaf, courtesy of Ching's first pay-check. Haha. Well, we didn't wolf down the whole restaurant, if that's what you're wondering. So off we went again in the red Kelisa, thankfully accident-free this time. Haha.

Visiting Spicy Leaf reminded me of the old times. We used to hang out there ALMOST everyday before or after tuitions. We were such regular customers that the fella always knew what we would have for a drink without even asking. I would have a Teh O Ais and
Ching would have a Teh Ais. All the time. Lol. This may sound weird, but I miss that guy. No, not in a touchy-feely heart-felt way of course. Sheesh. We don't see him there anymore, they've got a lot of new workers. New blur workers. Ching and Sioki scanned the menu and wanted to know what IDLI was. Bad move.

Ching: Er. Apa itu Idli, ya?
Waitress: Tak ada la.
Ching: Bukan. Apa itu?
*Waitress casts a desperate look at cashier*
Cashier: Idli tak ada la.
Sioki: Bukan, bukan. Apa itu Idli? *enunciates slowly and loudly*
*Cashier casts another desperate look at guy behind the roti canai stall*
Guy: Tak ada la.

Oh my goodness. Did curiosity kill the cat, or what? Haha. In between giggles from us and many confused looks from the workers there, we FINALLY got to know what the infamous Idli was. And you know what, for all the trouble that we actually went through, I don't even remember what the heck it was. Haha. Yet another eventful night out.

We went to pay
Mary a visit after that, she couldn't join us 'cause poor Andrew was over at her place trying to fix her PMS-ing comp. Anyway, we stayed another two to three hours at Mary's, I think. Catching up with each other. And reading her mum's Feng Shui magazine. That was a blast. Damn funny. According to the mag, I'm supposed to sleep with a golden rooster by my bed, and a bowl of crystal apples in the month of January and place a pair of RHINOCEROSES by the entrance of my house in February to avoid robbers and petty thieves. Huh? Go figure. Whole load of rubbish.

Lol. So anyway,
Mary, your turn next, okay? We'll go have a BIG feast with your next pay-check. Whoops, just kidding. =P

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