Lil Red Packets

Monday, January 31, 2005

Ohh, the colour of red packets and what comes in them, fresh mandarin oranges, yee sang, and freshly homemade cookies. Mmmmm. Chinese New Year is just round the corner, and I can't wait. Well, first and foremost, I'm pretty broke, and I could do with a purse full of crisp new notes.

Indications of Chinese New Year? One - the sight of fireworks in pasar malam. Lol. Illegal and all that yada, yada, yada, but still a major part of our favorite festival. I remember we used to have this firework in the shape of a hen, and it would explode by laying an egg. I'm serious! =P Two - when mum starts buying ingredients to make new year cookies. These two indicators came pretty early this year, I must say. Cause I'm absolutely pooped out from baking all day - Peanut Cookies, Chocolate Chip, Danish Cookies, Cornflake Raisin. So if you come around visiting my place, we have 100% homemade cookies made by my very own two bare hands. Muahahahahahaha. Eat at own risk.

Yummy. Chocolate chip cookies in the oven, baking.

Freshly out of the oven. Mmmm. Are you drooling yet? Lol.

finished product1
All set for CNY, now!

I'm so tired from baking all day and I still smell like cookies. And I'm now off to spend some quality time with the list of questions to solve from my bloody thick Specialist Mathematics book. Bleurgh. What a way to spend Monday night. Thank goodness I have that satisfying chicken wing from pasar malam to keep me company.

Oh yeah, before I forget. You know, I was reading through
Lik Xiong's, narrative essay for college [I think the title was 'My Life As A Stone' or something like that], helping him check for lil errors and things like that.. and I actually DREAMT I WAS A STONE after that! What the heck? That was for sure, the most uneventful dream I ever had in my whole 16 and a 1/2 years of existence. Being a stationary stone on the ground. That's almost like having no dream at all. Issh.

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